Sunday, May 19, 2013

Surprise Sunday

Today was a special surprise for the two of you, Mister Buddha and Ms. Bodhi, as Mommy made arrangements for you to spend the afternoon with GiGi. Mommy had stayed up very late finishing surprises for Gabby for her baby party, and so she knew she would be gone most of the afternoon attending that celebration. Daddy was almost completely dysfunctional with serious teeth complications and so while the two of you were with GiGi and Mommy was at the baby shower, Daddy took medicine and slept the day awayL.

By late afternoon, when everyone had returned home the two of you assisted Daddy in planting some flowers in a miniature planter, and we embarked on our own adventure. First, we delivered the flower planter to Grandma, where the two of you received Grandma hugs and kisses and then said our ritual goodbye—“see you later alligator, after while crocodile, too soon baboon!”

Then we were off to part two of our adventure, which was a detour route home through Foster Park where we played on the swing and slide and the two of you were chased by a big fat troll (that would be DaddyJ). Jude, as usual, you insisted we go down a couple of alleys on our adventure trail, and both of you insisted on showing Daddy the nearby Crazy Jay’s Ice Cream Parlor—when Daddy explained that he didn’t have any money, the two of you insisted that we keep money in our carriage from now on, so that we will never again be marooned at Foster Park without ice cream moneyJ. Daddy has no idea where you come up with your schemes, but to say the least, Daddy remains impressed by how clever and inventive each of you are!

By the time we made our way home, Daddy was exhausted frankly from both the adventure journey and the ongoing disabling teeth pain recently plaguing Daddy and making him what you recently observed as “a grump” little Ms. Bodhi. Daddy has been working on improving that grump image, but Mommy hasn’t been very satisfied by Daddy’s progressL.

Mommy finished preparing the two of you for an early bedtime, both of you were frankly exhausted yourselves from your surprise Sunday with GiGi, your special visit to Grandma, and the adventure journey with Daddy to Foster Park (sans ice creamJ). Tomorrow was a planned early day with Grandma coming over to watch over you, Emilia Bodhi, and Mommy and Daddy escorting you to the hospital for your additional ear tubes surgery, Jude Liam.

“Night, night,” precious adorable special angel babies, sleep peacefully with thoughts of joy and happiness from a surprise Sunday (with more to come, of course, indeed both of you told Daddy as we walked home from the park and passed a church that you wanted Mommy and Daddy to take you to church next week). Well, folks that would be quite a surprise.

Mommy made these decorations and arranged this section for Gabby's baby shower :)

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.