Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Reality Check!

This morning Mommy and the two of you were going room to room "spot botting" stains in our carpets. Mommy heard you, Bodhi, squeal with excitment, so Mommy knew someone had to be standing at our front door (we've had all our windows and doors open trying to refrain from turning on the air).  Sure enough, Grandpa had arrived to visit.  Grandpa reports being sick for what feels like eternity.  You two gave Grandpa his birthday cards and pictures, and quickly caught up visiting.  Mommy then hopped in the shower to get cleaned up for work while Grandpa took you two outside to play.  Mommy then made everyone lunch and left you in Grandpa's hands.  There was a 15 minute gap where Daddy was getting off work and Mommy had to leave for work, so Grandpa said he'd stay an play until Daddy arrived home.  

Well, Mommy received a report from Daddy that you two were fine (Mommy was worried ha/ha).  However, you, Jude, ALWAYS get into Mommy's craft supplies when Mommy leaves you with Daddy.  You have got into paint, glue, paper, and now sequence (sp?)  You had sequence spread all throughout the house you sucker!  That apparently was just the beginning of you and your sister's terror attacks.  Sister Kelly arrived at 4:30 p.m. so Daddy could return to work.  She reports that you both were out of control and mean little baby butts (emphasis on butts).  Mommy had an emotional reaction to work tonight, so coming home to one wide awake little boy, and a house fully terrorized by two little people, was not my ideal end to a busy work day.  

Mommy supervised a visit between a mom and dad and their two children.  The mom and dad contacted DCS for help when they had no where to live.  It was such an unbelievably sad and desperate situation. I can't imagine losing my home, but then to have to turn you two over to the state to be placed in foster care...that would kill me!  It was definitely a reality check for Momma.  We are so so blessed!  So, Mommy squeezed and celebrated that you stayed awake for Mommy, Jude man.  Bodhi, Mommy later tucked you in as well.  I can't imagine not being together as a family, heartbreaking!  

Mommy's camera battery was being charged and Mommy forgot to leave instructions for Sister Kelly to reassemble our camera (not that she would have had a chance to snap any pictures since you two were out of your minds).  Mommy is posting a picture of our vertical garden from the other day in place of your guy's pictures.  We picked our lettuce and spinach after these pictures were taken.  

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.