Thursday, August 2, 2012


Thursday was expressly a swimming day for Emilia Bodhi and Jude Liam. We enjoyed a nice breakfast at The Hub on Highway 60 down the road toward Mitchell from Springmill State Park. After breakfast we went into town and visited some antique stores, then waited on Mommy as you shopped for a short time at a Ben Franklin craft store (which Mommy loves!!!). Afterwards, we headed back to the park where we went swimming at the Inn and both of you loved it, although you Ms. Bodhi especially love to swim. You both have flotation vests, but you are not comfortable with yours Buddha, while on the other hand you actually dog-paddle your way all around the pool, BodhiJ.

After swimming we had a nice buffet lunch at the Inn, then made our way to our room for an afternoon nap. The swimming and lunch did its work on us, as we were all tired and slept for several hoursJ. After we awakened from our nap, you’ll never guess what we decided to do next. Yep, swimming!!! We really did enjoy our swimming and once again, you especially Bodhi, so definitely enjoyed our swimming that we already were regretting our stay at the Inn coming to an endL.

After our swimming concluded for the evening, we made our way back to The Hub for dinner, and then drove around the park for a while before visiting the Hamer Cemetery as darkness fell over the park. It was frankly rather spooky and you fell and hit your head, Bodhi, which scared the hell out of Daddy especially, and both you and Mommy said it was a ghost that caused your fall. 

Buddha, you seemed indifferent to ghosts and the flying bats, and were quite intent exploring the entire cemetery while clutching your flashlight that Daddy got for you (and of course one for your sister as well). After we were certain you recovered from your fall, Bodhi, we took a few photos and then packed up and headed back to our room. We watched the Olympics while you repeatedly told us how you wanted to compete in several events, Ms. BodhiJ, then the two of you little angels fell asleep together in one of our queen-size beds. Mommy and Daddy at last were able to sleep together, for the first time in what seems like forever, at least to Daddy anyway.

As we all settled in for our “night, night” both Mommy and Daddy reflected that it was nice to get away, but both of us recognize it is particularly hard on our little Viking Prince to travel any distance, just too damn much energy to sit still comfortably and relax on a journey—which makes relaxing for Mommy and Daddy a near impossibility as well.

Still, our time together is as precious as anything in the world, and it was so important for us to get away together as a family—a very, very, very blessed family with two incredible young blessings named Jude Liam and Emilia Bodhi!!!

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.