We started our day dreading the fact that Daddy would be leaving us to go out of town to give a lecture. A lecture that causes him great stress and one he does every year for his friend, Ash. Mommy decided for both Daddy and I, to take the truck and go and pick up a sand box and a truck load of sand for you two munchkins, prior to Daddy leaving. You both have been wanting one for some time, and since Mommy's patio projects, you two have been digging the pebbles up so that you can play with the sand underneath :( Plus, what better time than between your guy's birthday... Mommy and Daddy told you both it was your "joint" birthday present. Mommy made it home shortly before nap time, and so Mommy and Daddy put you both down for your nap with the promise of when you awakened, you would have sandbox waiting on you.
Daddy then hit the road for overnight trip, and Mommy got the crock pot started with green beans, potatoes, sausage, bacon, and brown sugar. Mommy anticipated a full evening outdoors and I knew I wouldn't want to come in and cook. Daddy was so sad to leave us, Mommy figured he would welcome the break, but all Daddy did his entire trip was text Mommy how much he missed us all. Good thing Mommy packed a family picture for Daddy to put beside his bed hee/hee I thought it would be a funny surprise for Daddy, and I loved it when they did it in old movies :)
Bodhi, you of course were anxious about your best pal leaving you, plus the added excitement of a new sandbox to break in, you did not nap. Mommy managed to get you to lay and have about an hour of quiet time, but then you told Mommy "your line," when you just plain had enough trying to get to sleep, "Mommy, I want you, I just can't sleep." Luckily, Mommy managed to set up the sandbox, landscape around the one side where a mower would no longer fit, and fill it with eight bags of sand :) So, you came outside with Mommy and played in your sandbox. You were so darn precious. You didn't think you should get in it, and once in it, you just ran your hands and toes across the top. Mommy had to get you some cups, bowls, a shovel, and then show you how to build sand castles. You thought it was the absolute coolest thing ever hee/hee Mommy filled up the baby pool (yes not the greatest idea with a new sandbox) but it was so stinking hot out, I knew you and your brother would need a break to cool yourselves down.
Mommy then went to work. I cleared out the entire back area on the alley, where we keep our trash cans, planted starts from other plants in our yard, plus our two butterfly bushes, and then built steps and added river pebbles. Mommy also placed some stepping stone rocks on the inside of the fence :) It looks a million times better! Mommy was drenched by the time I got done. Jude, Mommy went inside to wake you up when 4pm rolled around. I was tired of going in and out to listen for you, and you never sleep past 3:30 p.m. so figured I might as well wake you. You opened your big blue eyes and said, "Hi Mommy!" I said, "Hi Baby Buddha, you want to go outside to play in your sandbox and swim." Boy, you jumped up with your arms stretched above your head and said, "YEAH MOMMY!" You never move that fast to get out of your crib hee/hee
Once outside you didn't know what to think of the sandbox, I think it's because you were still asleep. You always get into everything, including things you shouldn't (Mommy's patio sand). You decided to take a swim, of course, and then you were ready to get in the sandbox. Yep, our house is going to be a muddy sandy mess tonight! GiGi stopped by to drop off some clothes she ironed for us (she actually likes to do it because you guys don't look like little urchins plus, she gets bored a lot). She was shocked to see you both covered in sand, and commented that Mommy would never get the sand out of your hair. GiGi took you both on a walk, you both riding your bikes, while Mommy cleaned up the backyard project/sand/water mess. When you two returned, Mommy dished out some crock pot delish and we all chowed down on our new back patio. Jude man, you couldn't get enough sausage and potatoes :) You eat just like your Momma! Bodhi, you were more interested in desert :) After dining outdoors, Mommy covered in dirt and sweat, took you both (covered in sand and food) upstairs for a bath. You both said you felt much better after you baths, and you both were just plain worn out. Mommy let you two play with your "Little People" town, you both have so many Little People set-ups, Mommy combined them in your room Bodhi and made an entire city. Mommy took a nice long cold shower, it took forever to get all the dirt off of me! Jude, you would periodically pull the shower curtain back and say, "Mommy you in there?"
After baths, Mommy put you, Jude, to bed with the promise that Bo and I would come wake you up for our slumber party. You initially cried, but Mommy reassured you when I finished cleaning up the downstairs we would be all gathered together in Mommy's and Daddy's room. Bodhi, you laid on the couch occasionally "resting your eyes," waiting for Mommy to get done cleaning. You kept asking, "Mommy are you done cleaning yet?" When Mommy finally did finish cleaning, we marched it upstairs and got Buddha out of his crib and had a snuggle fest in Mommy's bed. Buddha, you are by far the worst person to sleep with. You tossed, turned, smacked, kicked... just like GiGi and Great Papaw use to say I did when I was little. Bodhi, you finally had enough and laid at the opposite end of the bed, and when 5am rolled around, you said you were going to sleep in your own bed ha/ha.
We had a fantastic and productive day together. It was sad though when you asked, "Mommy, where's Daddy," or when you both would say, "Mommy I want Daddy." Mommy can't imagine if anything ever happened to Daddy, you two would be absolutely heart broken, as would Mommy. So, sweet dreams my sweet babes, Daddy will return to us tomorrow!
New Sandbox :) |
Buddha first had to dive into the pool before diving into the sandbox |
Such a cutie patutey! |
All business when in came to your sand castles |
Rule #1 No throwing sand, Rule #1 Sand stays in the box, Rule #3 have fun! |
Brother and Sister Time! |
Dinner outdoors! |
"Did you have to put meat in it?" |
Our patio :) |
Mommy's 1st patio building experience! |
2nd Patio... Mommy had to be creative, and when I say creative I mean space them very far apart, we actually ran out! Mommy and Daddy never imagined we would have ran out!!! |
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