Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bodhi's Birthday Party!!!

Bodhi girl, you had one bodacious birthday party!!!

Our day began as our normal Saturday fare, with Daddy coming home from work and gathering Ms. Bodhi and Mister Buddha and loading up our carriage for a jaunt downtown to Farmer’s Market. This morning, we first took Allie for a short walk around the block as she was desperate for some exercise, we returned her home, then we proceeded downtown. At the market, we found some more beautiful perennials and called Mommy to report; she joined us shortly after and purchased some additional flowers for our landscaping and one as a gift from Grandmoo. We purchased an Amish homemade iced lemonade and headed for our next stop at Foster Park. The Weberfest was occurring at the park so we enjoyed a hot dog and some live music, then played at the playground---you almost got into your first fist-fight, Buddha, as you pushed another little boy who tried to move in on one of your driving wheel play attachments on the playground equipment. Daddy had to intervene before it turned ugly! Bodhi, you absolutely entertained a small gathering of folks listening to the music, as you climbed on a park bench and began dancing and shaking your bootyJ, you were really on your game, birthday girlJ! Daddy saw several people he knew, including the Mayor, Greg Goodnight; Daddy complemented the Mayor for several of his community improvement projects, criticized him for allowing the police department to become so demoralized due to some of its leadership, and recommended he visit Cascades Children’s Park in Bloomington for an impressive and inspirational park development project. It was a good natured conversation, Daddy and Mommy both personally like Mayor Goodnight, though we wish he would get his perspective adjusted regarding the local police departmentJ.

After our stay at the park, we made our way by Grandmoo’s to re-stock some much needed ice-water and to say hi; the two of you always go crazy when you see Grandmoo, but we could only stay for a very short visit as we had to get the two of you home for your afternoon nap before the birthday partyJ. You were both visibly spent from the heat, and Daddy was soaking wet from perspiration by the time we got home, and both of you immediately went down for your naps, though we had to coax you a couple of times, Bodhi, as it was very apparent you were excited for your partyJ! As the two of you napped, Mommy and Daddy joined by GiGI and Grandmoo were busied getting last minute arrangements completed for the party.  Bodhi, you never did go to sleep, but you entertained yourself in your room for a couple of hours, acting as though you were asleep when Mommy would check on you after hearing pitter patters footsteps from your room.  You tried to peak in on the decorating session several times. 

By 4:30 p.m. you were both up and ready to go, Daddy helped feed the two of you a late afternoon sandwich and assisted Mommy get you two dressed (you were decked out in your adorable birthday girl dress outfit, Ms. BodhiJ). By 5:00 p.m. the party began with our guests arriving: Grandmoo and GiGi and GiPa; Sister Kelly and Brother Sean Franky; Great Grandma Penny and Grandpa Kurt; Aunt Ti and Ellie, Lizzie, Andrew, Amara, Jeannie and Trevor; Angela Bokin and Kaitlyn and Dominic; Mike and Amanda Federspill and Ava and Mia; Aunt Susan Maxson; Ms. Susan and her husband Marvin; our next door neighbor, Celia; Lucy, Daddy’s friend from work, and her husband Damon and their daughter Sammi; our next door neighbor Heather and Autumn and Chase---quite a lineup, with additional cards and gifts from your Great Papaw, Great, Great Uncle Dan and Great Great Great Aunt Betty, and phone calls from Grandma Betty, Aunt Debbie, and Great Papaw---Mommy really pulled this one off, fun was had by everyone, punch, pizza, chocolate and peanut butter cake (which you selected, Bodhi) and cookie cake from Blondie’s, fun and games outside, water-balloons, rides in our little-people jeep, games and on and on and on. You were literally at times exhausted from all the activity and fun, Bodhi, and Jude Liam, you were an absolute angel for the duration of the party festivities. And the lay-out for the party by way of decorations and adornments, principally by Mommy with the help of Grandmoo and GiGi was nothing short of spectacular. And most impressive of all, you seemed to truly appreciate and completely enjoy your birthday celebration young ladyJ! Tomorrow is your actual birthday, our little three year old doll-baby, and Mommy and Daddy have an endless supply of kisses and hugs to give you (and we’re sure with the help of your loving baby brother)!

But it is now late and time to put a cap on this adventure, and send two precious angels off to “night, night”---dream incredible, special, loving dreams, both of you, our Gypsy Princess and our Viking Prince. Wow, what a day!!!

Birthday Girl, Ms. Bodhi :)

No Nap Bodhi decided she wasn't going to wear her matching birthday girl hair bow, nor would she be wearing her birthday girl crown, nope, she decided she was going to wear her Dora hat that Grandmoo bought her ha/ha

Mommy worked on your birthday flags until 3am, and that was after our lovely trip home from the state park with Buddha screaming the entire way!

Mommy's dining room theme is Alice In Wonderland, and so, you, Bodhi, and your Daddy talked Mommy into leaving the flags up all the time!  Looks just like the picnic scene I remember in the book :)

J. Edwards peanut butter and chocolate cake, and Blondies' cookie cake :) YUM!

Just a few of the many guests that came to celebrate your birthday Bodhi :)

Little Dominic :)

GiGi, Jude, and our neighbors Ms Susan and Mr. Marv :)

Your two great granny's :)

Trev, Aunt Ti's oldest sister's boy :)

You had presents delivered to you, and they kept coming and coming!!!

Another neighbor, "Your Autumn" she decorated your present super cute :)

Little Lizzie and Ms. Allie :)

PARTY!!!  Little Sammy on the ottoman, Amara (standing behind), Ava with the gift bag, Andrew standing, Trev explaining your gifts, Autumn watching, and Ms. Momma Mia with two of your presents :)

Sammy, Andrew, and Trev :)

Trev and his sister Jeannie :)

Ms. Allie after the kids got done with her hee/hee

Mike and Amanda Federspill, Ava's and Mia's Mommy and Daddy :)

So excited to get your Dora doll from GiGi!

GiGi in the background just as excited as you!

Celia and Ms. Allie, our other neighbor girl :)

You did not like everyone singing to you, but at least you didn't cry this year! :)

Grandmoo trying to cheer you up as we sang to you :)

Make a wish baby girl!

Buddha enjoying the ladies :)

You were such a doll today!!!  A drastic change from the previous three days!
Aunt Ti, GiGi, Sister Kelly, Lucy and Damon (Sammy's Mommy and Daddy)

Franky and Grandpa :)

Water Balloons!!!  That's you chasing your blue balloon Bodhi :)

Everyone thought it would be funny to drench your Momma, including you Ms. Bodhi!

Trev helping you out... and yes, our driveway was completely wet from water balloons!

Mommy took cover with Jude :)

After party, you Buddha opened a gift from Grandmoo.... you were super excited about your new tooth brush :)

Bodhi opening cards :)  Mommy always hides Great Papaw's card and forgets where I put it.  You'll end up getting it in a few days ha/ha

Card from Great Great Uncle Dan :)

AFter opening your gift, you ran upstairs and were gone for quite some time, you returned with tooth paste ha/ha

Bodhi taking a picture of Mommy taking a picture of Bodhi... you loved your camera and now you will be the Bodhirazzi

Settling in for the night!

Happy 3rd Birthday Emilia Bodhi Grills Holsapple :)

My baby is growing up wayyyyy too fast!!!!

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.