Today started out as usual, Daddy off to work, and Mommy up at em' with you two. Mommy noticed that Baby Ella and Dora Kitty weren't playing in the backyard as they usually do in the morning, but didn't think anything about it. Daddy always unlocks their cat door on his way to work.
So we played, watched movies while playing, and then Mommy jumped in the shower with the promise that we would bake a Hello Kitty Rum cake afterwards. Bodhi, you really are an excellent helper and did a wonderful job. Buddha, you were more interested in eating all of the raw ingredients, and even tried to swipe a drink of the rum, such a sucker! Mommy ended up filling a bowl with water and giving you a spoon to play while Mommy and Bo actually baked :) You were content, and so our baking continued. We made due with the fact that Daddy had picked up the wrong nuts, they weren't chopped pecans, but we went with it anyway. Daddy arrived home a little before noon so Mommy could go volunteer at the animal shelter. Mommy had fed you two lunch, and Daddy insisted that Mommy finish our Hello Kitty Rum cake prior to leaving for the shelter. So Mommy finished it up, taking it out of the oven, pouring the glaze we had made over it, and flipping it onto a cake plate... too difficult for Daddy's to figure out ha/ha! Mommy served you both a piece of the Hello Kitty Rum cake, Grandma Betty's awesomely yum yum recipe, and then headed to the shelter.
When Mommy returned two hours later, Daddy had put you both down for a nap. Mommy quickly got busy paying bills, implementing Mommy's new system (which made bill paying so much easier and less time consuming)! So score for an hour paying bills, and not half of a day! Mommy fed the hounds and let them outside to potty. Mommy noticed that Baby Ella and Dora Kitty were over with our neighbor to the east, while she was gardening. Mommy yelled for them and they both came running. Mommy gave them some attention and took the hounds back inside to finish up on some house chores, uggggh!
You to awakened from your afternoon naps about an hour and half later, and so Mommy took you both downstairs and prepared dinner. Mommy made mini Dora tacos... Bodhi, Mommy has to call everything I serve to eat, "Hello Kitty," or "Dora," in order for you to eat, hey it works! Mommy had just served you both dinner when there was a knock at our back door. OH NO! Miriam, our neighbor Momma was carrying Dora Kitty and very worried about her. Miriam told Mommy that she wasn't walking well, and that she appeared to be drunk. OH NO! Mommy locked the hounds in the living room and put Dora down to see what was going on. You two were going nuts wanting to see her, which stressed Mommy out when I was worried about what was going on with Dora Kitty. Mommy started brainstorming, Miriam had said she was fine until this evening, and Mommy started recalling the entire day and my encounters with our kittens.
Mommy instantly recalled giving the cats their flee treatment late last night, Grandmoo had been over and spotted several flees on Baby Ella. Mommy had given the hounds their treatment two days ago, two days early from the prior month, and so Mommy thought I better keep their medicine dates pretty close or I'd never remember. Mommy, with you two screaming and throwing food at each other, called the emergency line to our vet, Jefferson Road Animal Hospital. Despite our cats never being seen by them, they took my call since Ms. Allie and Mr. Arlo go there now. Mommy told the vet her symptoms, and how it just came on this evening, and then shared that I had given them a flee treatment last night. Mr. Swart instructed Mommy to give each of them a bath (that is certainly not an easy task), monitor Dora, and make sure she continues to eat and drink. Mommy told Mr. Swart that Baby Ella was acting weird toward Dora Kitty, and even swatted at her. Dr. Swart told Mommy to immediately lock her in a carrier away from Baby Ella, as well as to protect her from herself, since she was not stable on her feet. Mommy then called Daddy and he came home from work. Mommy had given Dora a bath, inspected her paws, and was holding her when it hit Mommy... Mommy had Daddy take the drawers out of the doggy/kitty medicine cabinet. Daddy pulled out the kittens flee treatment box that had fallen behind a different drawer... Mommy then inspected Ms. Allie's treatment box and discovered that she was missing two of her heart worm and flee preventative. OH NO! Mommy had given Baby Ella and Dora Kitty Ms. Allie's 30-50 pound preventative. Mommy immediately called Dr. Swart back, and the news was gloom! He told Mommy to give both cats another bath in the morning, buy some expensive cat food (since it has lots of water in it), and try to keep plenty of fluids and food down them.
Baby Ella, doesn't show any signs of being sick... other than she's not her talkative self and she's not getting along with Dora. Dora however is in horrible shape, and Mommy is not certain she'll make it through the night. She has eaten a ton, Mommy has her set up inside in my craft room, but she continues to walk like a drunkard, and she's now biting at Mommy randomly, as if she's trying to nurse. OMG, my heart hurts so bad!!! It'll be around $700 to put her on an IV for fluids, and it's not guaranteed to work :(..... So, now we can only comfort her and pray she pulls through. She's not having seizures like the doctor thought she would, but that may come later. Dr. Swart was surprised to hear that Mommy had given her the wrong meds, because she showed signs so late in the day. Mommy must quit crying and writing this entry to tend to Dora, and you, Ms. Bodhi, who has decided we are going to sleep together after sharing a piece of Hello Kitty cake.
Buddha, Mommy managed to squeeze a walk in with you and Ms. Allie, you talked the entire time :)
Pictures from the better part of our day...
Bodhi the baker is all business! |
Bodhi demonstrating to Buddha the proper pour technique :) |
My sweet blue eyes mixing the eggs! By the tongue action you have going on, Mommy thinks you managed to sneak a taste of raw eggs, Uggggh! |
Mommy's sweet little Bodhi baker :) |
Bodhi by this point you were saying, "Momma, my arm is tired!" ha/ha |
We should have made Buddha do the dishes, but you insisted Bo :) You are the best little girl ever! |
Buddha, you discovered pepparonis in the fridge the other day, now you are addicted... a before lunch snack! |
Chow time then nap time! |
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