Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thursday Marathon

You two were up and at em' with Mommy bright and early this morning.  You two wanted to go swimming once again today, so Mommy got you both in your suits and water diapers, and then it was a marathon of water works.  We played outside in the baby pools, ate lunch, and played for 4 1/2-5 hours in the hot hot hot sun.  Mommy's car said it was 103 but it felt much hotter!  You two played outside until it was time for naps... you two were soaked from water, and Mommy was soaked from sweat!  Mommy managed to get our tree out front lined with bricks, I sure wish our tulip tree would hurry up and grow!  Baby Ella and Dora Kitty stayed inside their house most of the morning.  However, Ms. Allie and Mr. Arlo insisted on supervising you two while you played.  I honestly do not know, other than his occasional dips in the pool, how Mr. Arlo survives and the heat sure doesn't slow Ms. Allie down.  

Bodhi, Mommy is happy to report that you actually took a nap today... Mommy just has to keep you out in the 103 degree temperature for five hours everyday ha!  Our neighbor Autumn has been begging Mommy to let her watch you guys... as an escape from her own home, so Mommy told her she could come over after your naps, but that I would be with you guys ha/ha  Sorry, Mommy is pretty laid back, especially compared to Daddy, but you are not going to be watched by a 13 year old, let alone a girl we hardly know. However, Grandpa Kurt stopped by to see you both, so Autumn was postponed for a bit, but she still got a good two hours with you guys.  You two love visitors!  

Once Grandpa got his time in with you both, Autumn came back over and played with us for two hours.  Mommy worked on her craft room and Daddy got a nap in during part of the time, we took on shifts.   After Autumn left, you two watched Rio and Mommy fell asleep for about a half hour.  Daddy was feeding you another dinner, Jude, when Mommy awakened.  Mommy put you to bed, Jude, but you, Bodhi, were still wide awake.  You decided you wanted to go with Mommy to take Ms. Allie on her nightly walk.  Mr. Arlo stayed behind and snoozed beside Daddy.  When you got back Bo, you told Daddy, "It Hotttt out Daddy!"  

Nighty night sunshine and moonbeam!  

PS Mommy got several more small projects done last night after you two went to bed... a head band holder, and an earring holder, I'll post pics tomorrow :)

PSS Mommy didn't get many pictures today, I was too hot ha/ha

Lunch in the sun!
"I'll punch you in your nose if you try to eat my watermelon!"

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.