Today we celebrate our nation’s
Independence Day, a day of observance of great sacrifices and great struggles
to sustain a noble human experiment of freedom and the pursuit of happiness. We
honor all those who have sacrificed and struggled, and those who continue to do
so, including our family and friends, and we enjoy a celebration on this day to
memorialize that honor. Someday, Mommy and Daddy have no doubt, the two of you
will yourselves make sacrifices and join the struggles to realize the ideals
upon which our nation was built.
Our celebration today took the
form of a cook-out, and what a grand cook-out it was: Brother Sean Franky was
there, Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron (and for a short visit, Karma) joined us,
GiGi and GiPa and Grandmoo came (you two insisted Grandmoo come over to join
the celebration even though she was dog-sitting Pepper, so she brought Pepper
along with herJ,
the gathering would have been perfect if Grandpa, Great Papaw and Brother Ryan
and Sister Holly could have been with us too!
Mommy outdid herself (like she
always does!) and really had quite a layout for us, Daddy grilled hot dogs, and
hamburgers, and brat-burgers on the grill, GiGi and GiPa brought watermelon,
roasting ears, and cheese potatoes—it really was a wonderful feast. It was hotter
than the dickens (Daddy is not certain of the origin of that expression, but it
was (and has been for weeks) hot, hot, hot!!! Normally, fireworks are part of
the celebration of Independence Day, but with the dry conditions and heat there
has been a general ban on fireworks and most firework plans were cancelled. We
were going to let the two of you have some sparklers, and Mommy and Daddy are
revolutionaries enough for sure to rebel against the fireworks ban, but our
house is so close to our neighbors, we decided it would be truly irresponsible
to take any chances. The two of you, nonetheless, frolicked in the water
sprinkler and baby pools and had your own outdoor festival and we all laughed
and watched the two of you with joy. At one moment, though, things got serious
as you fell against a decorative fence, Buddha, and really bruised your eye (it
came seriously close to cutting your eye!!!), you are such a doggone (Daddy
doesn’t know about that expression either) daredevil!!!!
We all had a blast, and truly we
are so exceptionally blessed!!!
Earlier in the day, Daddy and
Bodhi started the day much earlier than Mommy and Buddha, and we enjoyed our
breakfast of chocolate milk, strawberries, toast, a hard-boiled egg and black
After you and Mommy got up and moving, Buddha, you joined Daddy and your Gypsy
Princess sister and we watched Rio for the 8 millionth timeJ. Daddy mowed the yard
and frankly barely survived the heat, and Mommy made us all lunch. Bodhi, you
and Daddy made a run to buy Buddha a bed pillow, and returned home hoping you
would nap some before our evening cook-out, but as usual lately your nap was
quite shortL.
After our cook-out celebration,
Mommy gave the two of you a bath and Bodhi you immediately went off to bed; in
a bit of role reversal, Buddha, you came downstairs asking for your Daddy and
we watching a Washington, D.C. 4th of July television special as you
fell asleep on Daddy’s lapJ.
Like Daddy said, and will always acknowledge, we are truly blessed, especially
Daddy!!! Happy 4th of July!!! Night, night.
Ok, put your arms around each other so I can take your 4th of July picture... well, ummm, ok! |
"Momma, this is what I think of your 4th of July picture!" |
Sister Kelly told you and your sister to give the neighbors across the street the "Stank eye," they were scoping out Sister Kelly's jeep, touching it, and looking inside. Interestingly enough, Daddy has been watching them for some time... they were all arrested for burglaries recently. |
Pool Time! Mommy surprised you with water balloons in the pool :) |
Mr. Arlo chillin' in his and Allie's pool :) |
"Who to get first?" "Hmmmm?" |
"I'm getting Brother Franky!" |
"Ok, me too!" |
This picture cracks Mommy up! Bodhi, you turned on Sister Kelly! |
Always a source of joy and entertainment! |
Mooches! |
Baby Ella and her sidekick Dora Kitty :) |
Still entertaining! |
Look at that FACE! In Mr. Arlo's pool... sucker! |
Speaking of Mr. Arlo... |
Franky, Gi-Pa, GiGi, and Ms. Allie |
You and your brother like to go in the cat house to cool down! |
Look at your eye :( |
Watchin' the babes! |
Pool babes! |
Up to no good! |
Ms. Allie still follows Mommy everywhere! |
Grandmoo brought you two a no caffeine, no sugar, all natural drink ha! |
Pepper the Beagle pup accompanied Grandmoo :) |
Butt CRACK! |
Mommy can feel a broken bone coming! |
Whooooa Bodhi!!! |
Giving the doggies treats from Grandmoo :) |
Here's another one Mr. Arlo! |
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