Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Hard Day’s Night

The Beatles made popular a song by this title, and the sentiment applies to our lives together. Mommy and Daddy each had a long day working, and so you two, Bodhi and Buddha, spent the longer part of the day with Aunt Ti. But when we all got back together there was laughing, and kissing, and hugging, and loving…and it all made the hard day a lot better!
Mommy slept in this morning until 9 a.m. for some much needed rest, and Daddy and Jude started the day very early with the early morning news, to then join Emilia Bodhi in her room where we enjoyed breakfast. Jude chowed down on some banana oatmeal with fresh blueberries, and Emilia enjoyed some fresh cantaloupe mixed with fresh blueberries. After Jude finished his bowl, Emilia began sharing what she had left of her fruit, first with her brother and then she insisted Daddy have some bites too.
When Mommy awakened, again like Daddy promised, both Bodhi and Buddha were dressed and ready to go. Mommy had to get showered and dressed, then off to work she headed, first taking the two of you to Aunt Ti’s. Bodhi, you nodded your head yes when Daddy asked if you wanted to go to Aunt Ti’s and you smiled that smile that I know is your “tell” when you are being (or anticipate being spoiledJ). Buddha, you were your exceptionally happy self this morning, sharing a good many “DAAA’s” your code for “Daddy.” As busy as Mommy and Daddy are with work and appreciative that you both have a safe, loving place to be, we both nonetheless always regret that we just can’t spend the whole day with the two of you---and that is the real explanation for why it was such a hard day.
Today was a first with both of you staying with Aunt Ti through the afternoon, and taking your naps there instead of at home. And sorry that you’re being tagged with a label, Buddha, but Mommy has officially declared you a “Bodhi Blocker” because whenever Mommy attempts to spend time with and show special attention to your sister, well you throw a fit so as to “block” Mommy’s effort to bond with your sisterJ. Mommy did have some alone time with both of you, giving each of you a bath, Jude first while Emilia you and Grandmoo drew chalk pictures in our driveway and on the porch, then you Emilia while Daddy and Jude yukked it up with guy time together. You both smelled like fresh little babies when bedtime hugs and kisses were passed around
Sister Kelly, the Governor, and Sean Franky also came by and visited with you both for a while.  Juder's you especially enjoyed all the attention!
Well, Mommy and Daddy are having a late dinner (Daddy made a special tossed salad for mommy and Daddy  (yes, Daddy was on top of his game todayJ, and GiGi brought over some fresh sweet corn,  which Mommy is preparing, then both of us have more work to try to get done before we can settle down for rest.
Both of you, though, are off to dreamland, being entertained by love and imagination in a dream home movie starring the Prince and Princess of IndianaJ

A rare sight... Sister Kelly without the Bodhi butt!  Ju Ju was tellin' Momma... "Momma, I just want to be loved too!"

"Ha Ha Bodhi Blocker... your attempts were adverted!"

"Look at me... the Governor is playing with me!"  "I love today!"

"Come on Sis, I got the keys, I'll drive!"

Sweet Bo Bo! ;)

Always trickin' someone into giving you a drink!

"Redneck Buddha Belly" ;)

Bubbs with the Bubbs ;)

My Big Boy.. walking around the porch like big people!  You even tried to open the door to let Mr. Arlo out :)

Sweet Boy ;)

Bodhi, you slept at Aunt Ti's...Momma is so proud of you big girl! ;)

Yay!!! Juders fell asleep without the help of a boob! :)-

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.