Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Growing Concerns

Every morning it never fails hee/hee Daddy can be up for a couple of hours before Momma, since he goes to bed well before me :) and as soon as I walk down the stairs with you, Juders, Daddy jumps in the shower, knowing very well that is where I was headed!  Today was no exception.  So, Mommy decided to shower but instead of washing my hair, I put it in a dirty bun hee/hee   So, this actually freed up a lot of time and we ended up getting to Aunt Ti's on time today (first time in forever).  However, Aunt Ti overslept, which put her off schedule and she was out of whack the rest of the day :(  Mommy and Daddy spent the day working, and you two maintained your routine of Aunt Ti time, followed by a long afternoon nap.  Mommy had to go back to work this evening, so Grandmoo came over to sit with you two for a couple of hours.  GiGi also came by to see you both, and she helped Grandmoo manage you two.  Grandmoo's back went out, so she too was having an off/and bad day.

Bodhi, GiGi is so worried about you, as she expressed to Mommy today.  You are in this "stage," well we all hope it's a stage, where you are fearful of noises, which in itself isn't our complete concern.  You will no longer go outside if you hear something that scares you, and if the noise occurs while you're outside (some days, not everyday) you go into complete melt-down.  Also, you become very frustrated when you are trying to communicate and no one understands what you are saying, again to the point you completely melt down... flailing of arms violently, shaking, crying, screaming, and wanting to be picked up.  Granted, we all anticipated a level of frustration with you not talking, but it's disturbing to everyone around you when you go into melt-down mode.   Now, Mommy believes this is just a developmental stage, but I'm worried like Daddy, GiGi, and Grandmoo, that the manner and intensity to which you react seems a little off.  You definitely march to a different beat, you are so sweet and unique, and you've never really acted like a typical baby/toddler, but you've got us all wondering if we're missing something.  Daddy recalls an incident when you were about Jude's age, ten months, when you fell into the side of the glider in your room, and it left a deep mark on the side of your jaw.  You were always banging that big head of yours on something, and you always had a new bruise or two on your head each week.  However, this deep set injury took forever to go away.  When it happened, you grabbed hold of the side of your face, and ever since then, you always rub your jaw when you become upset or when you are in  complete melt-down mode.  Daddy wants to have you checked out to see if you have some type of old physical injury that is affecting you.  Grandmoo thinks the fact that Mommy was induced, pumped full of drugs for three days since the induction drugs didn't work, and then had to have a c-section, 29 hours after your water broke, and after three days of being induced, this all caused some kind of damage or effected you in some way.  AND we're all wondering if maybe you don't have some form of autism.  Hopefully, we are all wrong, and you are just quirky.  Mommy and Daddy wouldn't characterize your behaviors as bratty, but as if something is off.  Mommy always had this fear, I couldn't quite put my finger on it, as you were Mommy's first born and I have no siblings, but as I've watched your brother develop, my thought that there is something very different about you, becomes more evident.  We know every child is different, but you skipped coo'ing, babbling, and just plain acting like a curious baby.  Recently, Mommy has observed more "typical age appropriate" behaviors from you, since being at Aunt Ti's around other children, however, occasionally I and other's still observe some oddities from you.  You also are very sensitive to touch.  You are obsessed with having a blanket but you have to touch everything, like when you feel your blanket and say "oooooh."  Sometimes, you "freak" when other's touch you.  There's no real pattern to your touching melt-downs though.  You've become more affectionate with me lately, but when you don't want to be held or touched, or when someone tries to redirect you, you sometimes go into melt-down.  One thing EVERYONE agrees on, you are so incredibly smart.  Mommy thinks that might just be the answer to everything.  You have things figured out beyond your years and it's a matter of time before you can verbalize those intellectual thoughts constantly churning in your head.  And maybe, being around other kids, has only confused you, as you've developed and taken on some quirky behaviors of others in an attempt to conform hee/hee Anyway, Daddy is set on getting to the bottom of it, first stop doctor's office.   I will say, Grandmoo is the only one that confirmed my concerns that you are unique from day one.  I being a first time Momma, went to Grandmoo, my Momma with concerns that something was wrong with me for having these thoughts.  She's been on the lookout ever since.

Ju Ju, you HATE your ear drops but you are doing very well.  You seem to sleep much more comfortably, and hopefully you will be sleeping through the night real soon.  Mommy has to ask my nursing friends when and how often I'm supposed to nurse you, once you do start sleeping through the night.  Dr. Zentz told Mommy, your sister needed 24 oz of formula at your age, so I don't know how to gage how much Mommy milk you are getting.  It's evident that you are currently getting plenty hee/hee but I don't want to short you.    You nurse on average five times in a twenty-four hour period... nap time, bedtime, midnight, 3am, and 6am.  After the difficulties and complications I had nursing your sister, it's a miracle I'm still nursing you.  Just goes to show, each baby is different... nursing you has been so easy.

Mommy and Daddy love you two beyond words and there is nothing either of us wouldn't do for you both!  

Bodhi multi-tasking television time with Daddy and the newspaper :)

"Daddy, I thought I was off the hook for pictures today!"  "Momma hasn't had time to follow us around snapping pictures."

"Bedtime Buddha" :)

Buddha, you grabbed the medicine dropper after Mommy finsihed giving you your nightly dose of Benadryl and Tylenol... you were being a little stinker!

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.