Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thursday Thaw

Well, not quite. In fact, weather conditions were a bit of an anomaly today. The daytime temperature was such that much of the surface snow melted (especially our drive, which had been shoveled near perfectly by our wonderful neighbor family!). Still, the overall temperatures dropped and are projected to drop much more, becoming much colder.

Who gives an old gray rat’s ass about the weather? We do, because everyone has been (and are becoming) sick! Buddha gave us a horrific scare over a week ago, necessitating a rushed trip to the emergency room, diagnosed as influenza, and now apparently recurring. Bodhi came down with the same symptoms and spent an entire day in Daddy’s arms (after spending an entire night in Mommy’s arms), and now Mommy is showing signs of coming down with something as well. Sister Kelly had the same bug, it seems, and is slowly recovering. Grandma is sick with the same serious symptoms shown by the two of you baby angels, and worse, as she is developing a serious cough, like bronchitis.

Daddy is so disoriented that he thought today was a day he volunteered to go into work and advise students, only to discover after noticing the school seemed nearly deserted that he had come in a week earlyJ. Everyone always speak as though they recognize teachers always work but as a teacher Daddy is convinced most people, including most educational institution administrators don’t have a clue. Maybe that is universally true of all workers, which one surmises is why Karl Marx advocated workers of the world unite. Daddy shares that notion.

Mommy and the two of you busied yourself today with taking down Christmas trees, and Daddy was literally amazed that Mommy managed to get our trees into our basement. Daddy is quite often amazed at Mommy’s featsJ.

Anyway, today seemed somehow foreboding with sickness in the air, and politics gone awry, but through it all we manage to focus on two very special blessings, named Emilia Bodhi Grills Holsapple and Jude Liam (Buddha) Grills Holsapple!

“Night, night,” Gypsy Princess and Viking Prince, and peace along your mellow brick road!

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.