Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Winter Wednesday

Today turned colder and wet, a prelude to a winter we have all been anticipating, forecast calls for much colder tomorrow and snow. While recently enduring sad times, we certainly have enjoyed nice weather for January in Indiana. Daddy suspects winter is arriving with the cold wind.
Today was an intended Daddy’s day, but it was not much of a treat for the two of you, Bodhi and Buddha. Daddy had a long dental appointment today, and Mommy had to work, so the two of you spent the first part of the day with Aunt Ti. Later in the afternoon, when Daddy had an opportunity to see the two of you, you told me you had a fun day, BodhiJ.
After Daddy’s dental appointment, he went by Grandmoo’s and our old house to get the pick-up truck and go load up a bed and chair Mommy purchased from an antique store. Daddy briefly spoke with Grandmoo, and was worried about her, she seemed so down. She, like Mommy, is heartbroken over the loss of Murffee. Daddy asked if there was anything she needed or wanted, but Daddy anticipated the answer of “no,” Grandmoo is too tough and independent to permit us to help, as though anyone would frankly know what to do. The two of you will discover for yourselves, regrettably, the only glue that can mend a broken heart is time.
While Daddy retrieved your new (antique) bed, Buddha, Mommy picked you and your sister up from Aunt Ti’s. All of us quite literally arrived home at the same time, and Daddy carried you up to your bed for your nap, Bodhi, as Mommy carried you, Buddha. While your brother in fact napped for a few hours, Bodhi, you were up within about twenty minutes and we never were successful getting you to take your napL. Mommy made a Starbuck’s coffee run and brought home a treat for Daddy, and went by to see Grandmoo and take her a treat as wellJ.
By late afternoon, we all made a run to McDonald’s for some “chicken bites,” stopped back by the house to drop Mommy off and visited for only a moment with Sister Kelly who had stopped by, and then Daddy took the two of you with him to Lowe’s to get a couple of house things while Mommy attempted to get some painting done.
Daddy gave both of you a bath (with occasional assistance from MommyJ), and around eight attempted (successfully with Buddha) to get the two of you to bed. Bodhi, you were up again within an hour wanting to stay up again, and Daddy succeeded in getting you to fall asleep by rubbing your head while you lay on the couch with me.
Mommy finally carried you up to bed, Bodhi and Daddy was heading to bed himself shortly after, after trying to talk Mommy into joining him. It seemed like such a nonproductive day, overall, and really not a true Daddy day at all. Daddy, for one, was inclined to just go to bed and start over tomorrowJ “Night, night” freshly bathed Daddy’s boy and girlJ (Mommy will change this partJ).
HA! Nonproductive … only for Daddy, Momma painted the entire upstairs hallway and little foyer area.  It’s now 12:30 am and Mommy is just starting to post this blog along with all the pictures!
"I know I'm not supposed to be in here Aunt Ti, but I just can't help myself!"

"Hmmmm, what to do next?"

"I'm sorry, I can't help it I told you!"

Sweet Bodhi girl :)

"Daddy don't make that elephant pee on me!"

"Daddy, I can't help it... I'm just checking to make sure it's still there!"

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.