Sunday, January 8, 2012

Still Mourning Our Murff Man

Today was no less difficult than yesterday.  Mr. Murff's candle burned through the night and has continued to burn well over 24 hours now.  Mommy is amazed that it hasn't went out once. 

Mommy focused on you two, Bodhi and Buddha, for the first half of this morning.  Daddy worked on projects to keep himself busy.  We had fun playing and Mommy didn't have a single break down the first half of the morning.  I think Daddy purposely stayed away from us because he was upset.  About mid-morning Daddy brought us up a delicious breakfast of eggs in a basket and bacon.... yummm!  Mommy always feels guilty eating bacon because I love pigs so much and they are so smart, yet I never manage to resist the temptation.  Honestly, Mommy hasn't resisted any food in quite some time!  In other words, Mommy is growing not shrinking, and at an alarming rate!  Anyway, despite all the energy I expend on you two monkeys, Mommy is still fat :)-  We always have a good time though. 

The second half of the morning you two played with Daddy.  Mommy had a major breakdown when preparing Arlo's food!  You two were upstairs with Daddy, and thankfully didn't have to witness Mommy such a mess!  The rest of the morning I cleaned the entire house and gave Mr. Arlo a much needed bath.  You'll both come to understand, when Momma is upset or sad, I CLEAN!  Mommy only stopped to check on Grandmoo.  Grandmoo was having a similar morning to Mommy and Daddy, and she too was refusing to leave the house.  Both Grandmoo and Mommy's eye swell so bad when we cry.  Poor Grandmoo, all by herself.  She didn't want to come over because it would only make it harder on her.  Mommy understood. 

Come nap time, everyone, including Mommy, was knocked out.  We were all exhausted and thankfully we all got a nice long Sunday nap in.  Buddha, you of course were the first to wake.  Daddy took you to get Mommy a Starbucks coffee and do some grocery shopping.  Mommy stayed behind working on a report while you slept, Bodhi.  When you finally awakened, you came downstairs and sat on a kitchen chair and watched contently as Mommy prepared dinner.  You didn't try once to get down or fuss at all.  You seemed to really enjoy watching Mommy cook.  Mommy gave you some fruit to snack on and you had your binky, you were a happy little girl.  Daddy arrived home and dropped off Buddha, groceries, and a coffee for Momma, and then he was off to the store again to pick up things he had forgotten.  Mommy had him pick up some flowers for Mr. Murff's grave and for our living room.  While he was away you both ate dinner and ran around the house like crazy people.  Daddy arrived home, he and Mommy ate dinner together and started a movie for us all to watch as a family.  We had an enjoyable evening despite still strongly feeling the sorrow of Mr. Murff's passing. 

Mommy checked on Murff's candle this evening (as I have several times thoughout today), and it's been going strong.  For some reason I was very comforted by the fact his candle hadn't blown out.  I placed a jar with two flowers from you Bodhi and Buddha, by his candle.  Mr. Arlo visited Mr. Murff with Mommy as well.   The moon is absolutely beautiful tonight!  Mommy took you outside to look at it Bodhi.  You are a moon baby, you LOVE the moon so much!  Mommy told you it was a Mr. Murff moon :)  You kept repeating Mr. Murff Bubby moon and smiling. Mr. Murff is the first family member that has passed and it didn't rain.  Mommy has noticed over the years anytime a family member or close friend dies, it rains!  Not a single drop of rain yesterday or today.   

You both had a great day, and sadly, Mommy missed several photo opportunities.  Mommy's camera was dead.  I had placed the battery in the charger this morning to charge and when I ran upstairs to retrieve it, it was still dead.  For some reason the plug-in wasn't working :(  So, Mommy has two cell phone pictures of you two, but I'm going to include the pictures I took before your photography appointment yesterday.  Sweet dreams my sweet babes xoxoxo

Always into something!

Bodhi girl loves her hats, just like her Momma :)

Bodhi riding the penny horse... waiting to be photographed :)

Sweet Bodhi loves her animals... in all forms!

Buddha's turn :)

My little cowboy :)

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.