Well, we may be seeing an end to the sickness that ravaged our household these past several days, truly creating a lost weekend. It was such joy to witness the two of you giggling and running and having hysterical fun with Grandmoo tonight, even though she was only here for a short time playing with the two of you. She was busy working on the playhouse/kitty shelter and came in for some playtime with the two of you before going home. You both loved your playtime with Grandmoo! Jude, you cried and cried and wouldn’t let Grandmoo leave, and Emilia you smiled from ear-to-ear and acted like you wouldn’t give Grandmoo a goodnight kiss, you stinker. Both of you adore Grandmoo!
Mommy has never been so thankful to have Daddy around as these past several days, taking care of all of us, including our special Daddy Sunday breakfast today (even though Mommy got sick again after eating, as she has gotten sick after eating for the past several days!). We sure love Daddy, he is the greatestJ! And Mommy wants to plan a special treat for Daddy for being her heroJ!
Mommy has another project in the works, as Daddy found a settee for a very reasonable cost at one our favorite antique stores, “Timeless Pieces Auctions & Antiques” (the owners and managers are so nice there!), and Mommy is going to adapt it to a sleeping bed for Arlo so he can be a part of our family at night and not have to be alone without our Murffee.
Mommy is also in high gear trying to locate a perfect pendant light for our foyer, so home improvement projects can keep on pace. And both Mommy and Daddy have so much work to catch up on after struggling through this sickly weekend.
We are thankful we’re all starting to fill better, though Mommy is still struggling with the nausea, and Daddy is struggling with the exhaustion (J). And thank goodness, Sister Kelly seems to be slowly recovering as well, we were very worried about her.
We’re blessed to have such a loving family, Aunt Debbie kept calling and checking on us, Grandmoo and GiGi came by to help out and watch the two of you, and Sean Franky can always be counted on when we need help (he helped Daddy move some furniture today, without him we couldn’t have gotten it done).
Hopefully, tomorrow will witness all of us returning to full strength, and our hero Daddy is looking forward to a Daddy day with the two precious little angels named Jude and EmiliaJ. “Love, love…nighty, night.”
Here are the pictures we had taken the day Mr. Murff passed (for GiGi's birthday) :( They are absolutely adorable, we're just hopeful we don't have to bring Great Uncle Dan out of retirement for sharing them on here :)-
They are getting too big! Great pics, though.