Thursday, January 19, 2012

Breakfast For Dinner and Still On the Trail of Recovery...

Another day and still on the trail of recovery. You both slept well through the night, which Mommy and Daddy took as a hopeful sign you both are recovering from the bug, but Bodhi you were cranky beyond belief this morning. You clearly are still not feeling well!  Aunt Ti reported that you were good for her, but she could tell you still weren’t feeling well.  You went from having diarrhea yesterday, to being constipated today.  Mommy did the same thing, stupid bug! 
Daddy got the two of you transported to Aunt Ti’s before going in to work, and Mommy was off to another full day herself. She finished up in the afternoon and picked the two of you up and got you safely home, we had quite a slick, snow storm today!  Bodhi, you finally had a major poo during nap time, and you weren't asleep very long, but you never did go back to sleep.  Buddha, you struggled, but eventually you went to sleep.
Daddy didn’t get home until after 6:00 p.m. this evening and Mommy was preparing dinner (breakfast for dinner) for everyone, while Daddy hurried in to get hugs and kisses from two baby angels. Mommy’s oven is still recovering from the fire yesterday, so Mommy decided to make all breakfast foods.  Guess who was still as cranky as can be, Bodhi? Daddy tried everything to make you feel better, including getting some medicine from Mommy for you. You seemed to perk up a little when it was time for dinner, but that didn’t last longL. Buddha, you on the other hand, ate a healthy dinner, happily so for the recordJ. And after dinner, you and Mommy played Buddha while your sister fell asleep on the couch.  Buddha, when Daddy says you ate a healthy dinner, he means two fried eggs, half of a bagel, four sausage patties, and four mini pancakes!!!!!  You LOVE eggs!
After getting you down for the night, Buddha, Mommy had to run out to the Target store, while Daddy tried to get some reading done while sitting on the couch with your sister while she slept. You are both so incredibly precious, Daddy simply doesn’t have the words to capture how blessed we are!
So, busy night ahead, the two of you are sleeping, Mommy moved you to your bed Bodhi, and then began working on Grad homework.   It has been quite a week, still not over, and still on the trail of recovery…
Love to all!

Buddha, you helped Mommy clean-up the after dinner mess, vacuum, and then we ran all over the house and got out the bowling pins :)

You love to bowl ;)

"Look Momma, I knocked one over, YAY!

Pretty boy ;)

Bodhi, you passed out just after dinner around 6:00 p.m., and slept the rest of the evening away :(  Hope you feel better tomorrow!

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.