Good morning 5:00 a.m. Bodhi, you woke up at 5:00 a.m. wanting your pacifier :( ugggh! You eventually fell back asleep and Mommy jumped in the shower. Once you were up and moving, you were a new girl. Bodhi, you were talking more and just all-around more outgoing and happy! Buddha, you were a ball of spitfire as usual! Mommy got you both dressed and to Aunt Ti's. When Mommy returned to Aunt Ti's after work, she reported that she is "loving the new Bodhi!" Mommy asked Aunt Ti what she meant and she said you were so happy and outgoing Bo! Aunt Ti said you did ask for pacifier once but you got over it pretty quickly. :) It's absolutely amazing how getting rid of the pacifier has changed you overnight!
Mommy took you both home for naps. Daddy was at home for a quick break, waiting on us to arrive. Daddy carried you in from the car Bodhi, and you woke up and began crying. You wanted your paci. Daddy turned on your tv for you, but you never did go to sleep. Mommy fell asleep working on work, and was awakened by you, Bodhi, again wanting your paci. You climbed in bed with Mommy and fell asleep. Shortly after you finally fell asleep, Jude woke up from his nap. Bo, you woke up extremely cranky once your brother started hollaring "Bo Bo!" Mommy quickly decided, you two were going to eat a snack and then we were going for a stroller ride outside. Bodhi, once Mommy told you we were going on a walk, you cheered back up. Jude, you kept saying "Yeah, outside!" You were so stinkin' cute. We all packed up the stroller and even got Mr. Arlo outside. Mr. Arlo's walk didn't last but half a block. He was wanting to do his own thing and stop and pee on everything. Mommy had to drag him the little distance he would walk. Mommy turned him right back around and put him back in the house. Bodhi and Jude, you were then in for a treat. We walked over to Grandmoo's house :) Once there you two played and warmed up before returning home. You two always have fun at Grandmoo's :)
Mommy got busy making a late dinner for you two. You both were super hungry and ate a ton of cheese. Bodhi, you helped Mommy make the gravy for the country fried steaks and mashed potatoes. Buddha, you stirred a bowl of water on the kitchen floor hee/hee You two pigged out and really loved dinner. After dinner, Bodhi, you wanted to go upstairs so Mommy took you both up to get your jammies on. Buddha, you were ready to go "night night." You two are so precious with one another. You two always give each other a goodnight kiss and hug before retiring to bed :) Bodhi, you fell asleep WITHOUT your paci while Mommy was rocking your brother to sleep. A couple more days I'm sure you'll be over the whole paci thing! Thank you Aunt Ti for setting the conclusion to the paci in motion :) We love you!
Sweet dreams my sweet babes!
My name is Emilia Bodhi and I'm pacifire-free! |
Pretty Boy :) |
Happy Little Bo Bo :) |
Precious baby boy! |
Little pumpkin head |
Buddha, hee/hee you always find a bible where ever you are! |
You two loved your walk, not that you can tell from this picture hee/hee Neither of you wanted your picture taken :0 |
"Lets go explore over there Bubby!" |
Helping Mommy make dinner :) |
Stirring some water :) You are the best little water stirrer ever! :) |
Good luck with the paci thing! We don't use them but both kiddos I babysit do and I HATE them! Keeping track of it, dealing with them waking up wanting it back in, etc etc. i will never use them! :)