Mommy's writing this blog a day late... I have some catching up to do since we have been down with the stomach flu :( Yesterday is so hazy for Momma :( but I'll do my best... I woke up with the intentions of going to work and the hopes that you two would be on the road to recovery. GiGi was to nurse you two back to health while Momma and Daddy were away at work. However, Mommy quickly realized, none of that was not going to happen on this Friday the 13th! You two were still horribly sick and Mommy while caring for you two, had to grab your trash can Bodhi, and I quickly filled it (too much info I know) but what followed touched Mommy's heart. Bodhi, you grabbed Mommy's forehead and started rubbing Mommy's cheeks, and Buddha, you precious little booger, you patted Mommy on the back and head, sneaking in a smooch in between Mommy's hurls! Momma was full blown sick. I instructed GiGi and Grandmoo to stay away, they most certainly didn't need to be exposed to this awful crud! So it was just the three of us for the first half the day, and Mommy doesn't know how she got through it (I sure did want my Moo and GiGi).
There were countless pajama changes, sheet changes, waste basket cleanings, baths, and diarrhea diaper changes! It was a constant and exhausting cycle. I can't even tell you how many loads of scolding hot laundry washes I did. Come afternoon, you two went down for a nap, as did Mommy. Thankfully, Daddy came home early in the afternoon and was able to take over for Mommy for the remainder of the evening! Daddy was feeling nauseated, but he hadn't come down sick at this time. He was so loving, taking care of you two as well as Mommy. He took over with the changing, laundry, and kept all of our cups full with cold Gatorade and Pedialite :) Daddy is one of a kind, such a loving Daddy and husband. We are so lucky to have him :)
Mommy and Aunt Ti kept in touch throughout the day, comparing progress and symptoms, exchanging ideas to get each other through it. Poor Aunt Ti, she had three and herself to care for :( Daddy called Aunt Ti once he arrived home to check in on her and see if she needed anything. She of course was managing like the super Momma that she is! We hope you feel better Aunt Ti, Ellie, Lizzie, and Andrew!!!!
No pictures were taken today!!! There were several moments in which you Bodhi and Buddha, affectionately embraced one another despite your illness, and I wish I had the drive to grab the camera to capture those moments... but clean p.j.'s, sheets, and diapers took rank!
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