Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Out Of Control!!!

Happy 14 months Buddha!!!

Mommy was so wishing she would have cancelled your Speech Therapy appointment for early this morning... but Ms. Connie is such a joy, the time came and then flew by.  Mommy was up super late, as was Daddy!  Bodhi, you did say 25 words, and the goal was for you to say 15 words... you exceeded that in one visit since setting your new goals last week!  YAY!  Buddha, you woke up still congested!  You sound miserable and can hardly breathe.  Mommy has lost your next doctor appointment card to get your follow-up flu shot... I'm so hoping it wasn't scheduled for tomorrow morning!  I hope it's scheduled for next Wednesday, but I find it hard to believe they'd schedule you right before Thanksgiving.  However, Mommy didn't get a reminder call, so it just might be next week.

After Ms. Connie left, we headed downstairs where you two went absolutely bonkers.  I think it was partly due to Mommy being on the phone scheduling and negotiating phone, internet, and cable service.  The lady felt so bad for Mommy, Mommy got the hook-up big time!  We will now be paying $40 dollar less a month for an entire year with additional services and cable outlets SCORE!  Buddha, Mommy yelled "No No" at least 1,000 times today and counted to three at least a million times!  I was litterally pulling my hair out chasing after you.  Mommy was so happy when nap time rolled around!  Little did I know, you decided you were only going to sleep an hour.  Long enough for Mommy to run to the pet store to pick up a bag of dog food, uggggh!  Mommy later called Grandmoo to come back over so Mommy could go to work for an hour ha/ha.  When Mommy arrived back home, the first thing I heard when getting out of my car was, "Jude, NO NO, I've told you a thousand times NO NO!"  Mommy just shook her head!  Bodhi, you were being a little ornery today too.  You could see your little brain a working, watching your brother doing all the cool stuff he's not supposed to be doing, like climbing on the dinning room table, standing up and dancing!  You followed his lead a few times and got in trouble too!  You are always so good, it hurts your feelings when you get in trouble.  You usually start crying, however, today, you weren't bothered by getting in trouble, again Ugggggh! 

Anyway, Mommy was trying to get a ton of documents organized and boxed up today.  I only got about part way done.  Mommy did do a spy mission on my way home from work.  The Sanburn's had one couch loaded on a trailer, so they're almost done!!!  Mommy and Daddy were hoping to get a call tonight, but it never came... it's okay though we have more time to focus on getting things around here in order :)  Sweet dreams my crazy little munchkins! 

Pretty Bodhi girl! 
We had fun today, even if Bubba drove us both a little bonkers!

"Momma, Bubba got on the table and did a little jig, I think I'll do the same!"

Buddha and his binkies!  You love to carry a blanket, or a towel, or a burp rag around all day long! 

"Yeah Yeah, THREE!"  "Now come get me Momma!"

Buddha under the dinning room table!

Such Stinkers today!

Precious little Bodhi :)

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.