Thursday, November 10, 2011

Giant Snowflakes, OH MY!

Well, several times throughout today Mommy saw big snowflakes floating down from the sky.  You two didn't see them until this evening, right before bed.  They caught your attention, Bodhi, as they floated down, highlighted by the street light.  You quickly alerted Mommy and Daddy by signing "rain" and saying "ooooh!" Mommy and Daddy were hoping to get into our new house before the first snow, however, tomorrow it might be 80 degrees, that's Indiana for ya.  Anyway, Mommy remembers Aunt Susan Maxson telling Mommy how she would bundle her son up, no matter what time it was, and take him outside to enjoy the first snow of each year.  Mommy thought it was a really neat tradition, so I threw a coat on you, Bodhi, and took you outside to catch this year's first snowflakes on your tongue :)-  Buddha, you went next, but you wouldn't stick your tongue out, you just laughed every time Mommy stuck her tongue out :0-

This morning you two went to Aunt Ti's and by the time Mommy picked you up this afternoon, she had you two all hyped up, screaming and giggling.  You both ran and hugged Momma, almost knocking me over :)  We then headed home.  Mommy had a heck of a time keeping you awake, Bodhi.  Buddha, you instantly go to sleep, there is no keeping you awake.  Bodhi, you were so funny, every time Mommy would say wake up Bo, you would start bouncing your head as if you were dancing, but your eyes were closed. 

After naps, Mommy had to pick her client up from school, so Grandmoo came over to sit with you both and played for about an hour.  Mommy came home and fed you both dinner and then we played the rest of the evening.  Grandpa Kurt came over to visit, and you two were such hams!  You each were running around giggling, trying to keep Grandpa's attention focused on you.  After Grandpa Kurt left, Mommy and Daddy shared a piece of apple pie with you both and then you two went off to bed.  Sweet dreams my little munchkins.  Bo, Mommy LOVES that you say "I love you Momma," all the time now!  You just melt my heart :)

"OOOOOh snow!"

Bo, you had just stuck your tongue out and then a big pretend bite hee/hee  You LOVED the snowflakes!

Look Buddha, snowflakes!

"Pretty snowflakes Momma!"

Little Lizzie and Buddha goofin' for Aunt Ti as she took some pictures ;)-

"Be still Buddha, I'm going to balance this on your head."

Buddha and Grandpa Kurt... Momma and Grandpa Kurt were planning you and your sister's future athletic careers hee/hee :)

"YES, I'm going to play baseball!"

Momma's future volleyball player :)

Bo and Grandpa Kurt

Buddha, you turn into a nut ball when Momma mixes a little chocolate milk with regular milk :)-

"Focussed Buddha" ;)

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.