Mommy encountered her first ever, biggest nastiest, poo mess, compliments of you, Buddha. The antibiotic must have done a real number on you... and I'm pretty sure it had to do with number TWO! I couldn't believe me tired eyes! Poo smeared everywhere inside your crib. Mommy was gagging! Daddy jumped in the shower just as I had discovered this treasure :0 So, Mommy held you over the bathroom sink, gagging and waiting for Daddy to finish. Then in the bath you went. You also had a crusted over snot face, poor dude! Mommy got you bathed and taken care of, then I was on to cleaning up the mess. Keeping in mind Ms. Connie was to arrive any moment for Bodhi's speech therapy appointment. As I was rinsing out the clothes and chasing your nakey butt down the hall, Buddha, you went into your Sissy's room to play with her. The next thing I know, Bodhi comes walking out of her room by herself with the closet door knob in her hand! Ugggh! Luckily, you escaped her capture Buddha, you were in fact not locked in the closet! Thank goodness. Unlike your sister who loves dark closets, you Buddha scream and throw a fit! So, Bo, Mommy had done all the laundry the night before and put it away neatly. Now I couldn't get to it, so you ended up wearing your p.j.'s for speech therapy and for the rest of the day. Grandmoo came over to visit and she helped Mommy fix the door. It was then time for afternoon naps. Grandmoo was trying to carry down tools and put up the gate when you, Buddha, dove all the top step and rolled all the way to the landing. You were screaming crying, but we don't think you broke anything. Just another brain injury to add to your ever growing collection, I'm certain. You quickly forgot what it was like to dive and roll down the stairs because you did it to Mommy too. Again, you didn't break anything but you screamed and cried.
After naps, you two were loving watching the snow fall. Bodhi, you kept saying "snoooow!" You two and Momma were watching out the window together when huge branches from our pine tree starting falling out front of our house (right up against our house). Buddha, you were hilarious, you were yelling real loud "Ooooh Wow!" Bo, you kept saying, "No no snow, tree!" Mommy told you that the snow made the tree branches fall and this upset you. Daddy arrived home shortly after the tree branches started falling, but he and his mustang couldn't make it up the slight incline of our drive. So, Daddy had to park out front in the street. Mommy told Daddy about the pine tree branches falling so he went outside to survey the damage. Luckily they missed our gutters. However, Daddy was moving Grandmoo's wooden Christmas trees from underneath the tree and this upset you Bodhi! You started yelling and pounding on the window, "Da Da no, snow no no!" You did not like Daddy under the tree, you are so smart! Daddy went to work only to discover the facility didn't have power so he ended up not having to lecture to his batters group. Daddy instead went and visited his friend that recently had a stroke.
Grandpa Kurt stopped by. He just got back from visiting his friends in Miami and brought Mommy her favorite Cuban sandwiches and pastries, Yummmo! Grandpa Kurt also brought you both back a Miami Hurricane's t-shirt. You both loved them but will have to wear them for a night shirt until you grow into a 4T. Buddha, after the mess this morning, you will be strictly sleeping in onesies, or one piece p.j.'s so you can't stick your hands in your diaper!!!!! Sister Kelly was supposed to stop by but she ended up not adventuring out. All of Greentown is without power. Aunt Ti may not be watching you two if their power doesn't get turned back on. Mommy told they can all come over to our crib and spend the night but they're having fun without electricity. Hopefully they all stay warm. Mommy just cranked our heat up so if our power goes out, our house will be warmer.
Tomorrow our kitty playhouse is supposed to be delivered, and Mommy is supposed to work. Daddy has a bunch of work and organizing of his office to do so he can get back to work. Hopefully, power will be restored for everyone here soon. Sweet dreams my sweet babes. Mommy loved her time with you both all snuggled in our big warm beautiful house together :)
The babes just up from their naps, having a snack and watching it snow :) |
"Here Buddha, Momma made me in charge of holding the bowl!" |
No such thing as "small" bites around here! ;0 |
"Don't be stingy sis!" |
How Buddha spends most of his day... a minute at a time! |
"Little do you know Momma, I like Time Outs!" |
Tree across the road |
View from front porch :0- |