Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Balance Restored

Literally, today started out pretty crappy, but progressively got better and even "GREAT!" 

This morning, Mommy went downstairs to make you both your breakfast cereal, and when I returned ready to feed you both, I observed what appeared to be poop on Jude's forehead.  Daddy, having just left, was being cursed inside Mommy's head.  Mommy was steaming- thinking Daddy didn't clean you thoroughly Jude.  Hee/hee well, Mommy soon discovered, you had just had the biggest grossest explosion ever (sorry Daddy)!  Yep, Mommy lifted you up and there was a pile of poop on the rug, as well as poop smeared all over your clothes, up your back, from head to toe you were covered.  Bodhi, I don't know how you avoided this mess... well, I sort of do, considering you HATE messes :) but Mommy figured you would try to clean it, thank goodness you didn't! 

The rest of the morning was hectic and stressful as well.  Mommy had to get the two of you occupied so that I could shower and get ready to take Mr. Murff for the dreaded vet appointment.  Mommy had been trying to mentally block or set aside this appointment from her mind, as to not ruin your guys' day with Mommy's depression.  However, so far Mommy has good news to report... the vet is trying a remedy medication to try and strengthen his spinal cord and straighten out his nerve problems in his hind quarters.  Sure enough, Mr. Murff is acting as if he's feeling much better, and even showing signs that that medication is working.  The vet said that Mr. Murff's symptoms would get worse on day 2- day 5 if it was working, but he'd feel much better within hours of consuming it.  Well, he acts as though he's feeling better and his hind leg gave out (or went gimp) so Mommy is taking that as a positive sign.  Mommy thinks in life it's important to try to maintain a positive attitude.  However, Mommy knows I have got to be objective and realistic when assessing his progress, because the last thing Mommy wants is for Mr. Murff to suffer!  Though Mr. Murff isn't getting around as he once did, he seems to not be suffering or in pain, just not very mobile.  As long as Mr. Murff gets some time out of the house, he's a happy hound! 

When Mommy returned from the vet, Bodhi you had just went down for your afternoon nap (late I might add).  Jude you were up and playing with Grandmoo.  You have spit up so much today, and you have been fussy during all feedings.  Between your ear infection and tummy problems, and Bodhi not acting as though she's feeling 100%, Mommy opted to keep you two inside today, despite Mommy's belief that you two rarely get sick because you get fresh air every day.  Mommy was also pleasantly surprised with a little brown package awaiting her arrival!  Yes, Mommy's camera lens arrived today, and it is AWESOME!

This evening sister Kelly came by again, so she helped Mommy get you two fed and medicated.  Jude, Mommy fed you, and you were very demanding that Mommy keep shoveling.  You actually threw a fit when there was a pause between bites :)  Bodhi, you always get fussy at meal time.  However, you and sister Kelly managed just fine.  Afterwards, Mommy ran to the grocery store to pick up some items for Mommy and Daddy's dinner tonight.  On the way to the store, Mommy drove by Lafayette Park School, where Mommy attended Elementary school.  Mommy was excited to see that they now have play equipment, so guess where we'll be walking very soon!  Mommy also saw the three trees still standing, which before the play equipment, was the hot spot for Mommy and her friends to play at recess.  While Mommy was grocery shopping, Sister Kelly played with you both until Mommy returned.  Sister Kelly got some really good pictures of the two of you playing.  When Mommy tested out her camera earlier, Mommy took some cute pictures of you Jude, while your sister slept. 

Mommy put you to bed Jude, and started dinner.  Bodhi, you and Mommy had the sweetest time together this evening.  Mommy reads to you throughout the day, but Mommy initiated the book reading after getting you ready for bed, and you couldn't have been more excited.  Mommy read several books to you, cuddled you, fed you a sippie with milk, held you, and rocked you until you were about to fall asleep.  You were so loving and Mommy was so happy to have this little bit of quality individual time with you.  You desperately needed it!  Today, it seems as though balance was restored in our little part of the universe, and for today, it was very sweet!

Mommy made Daddy one of his favorite meals and rented "A Dog Year," which appears to be about an unruly hearding dog, just like our Mr. Murff... at least, when Mr. Murff was a pup.  Mommy will have to tell you two all about Mr. Murff as a pup one day :)

My 1st born, Mr. Murffee Macbeth aka Mr. Murff man :) 

 Hi Baby Blues!  Juders with Mommy while Bodhi napped :)

 Sweet Baby Boy and his chew toys... Just like Mr. Murff

 "Happy Buddha" ;)

 Juder's screeching

"Smart Buddha" ;)

"Keep shoveling Momma!" 
This is most definitely a Bodhi look.  You look just like your sister in this picture! 

 Silly Bodhi enjoying her dinner

 Precious Bodhi ;)

Sister Kelly and Bodhi

 Bodhi walking around in Sister Kelly's flip flops

Bodhi on wheels!

Bodhi and her bunny slippers

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.