Thursday, March 1, 2012

Max and Ruby!

You, Bodhi were the most precious sweetest baby girl with your brother this morning.  You two started off fighting and fussing at each other, but Mommy said to you, Bodhi, "Bo, love your brother, share... just like Max and Ruby."  Mommy told you that you were Ruby and Buddha was Max, and that was the end of the fussing.  You were extra loving and motherly toward Ju Ju, who is still battling an ear infection.  You would give him hugs, and talk baby baby talk to him ha/ha  Your voice is so precious and little, but then the added baby talk to your brother, was just too much!  Mommy was laughing at you all morning!  Mommy was extra tired from doing reports into the morning hours, but you kept Mommy going with all the cute things you both were doing.  

Nap time was a different story.  Bodhi, you would not nap for anything.  Buddha, you slept for just about two hours.  Bodhi, Mommy made the mistake of telling you that Grandmoo was coming over after you woke up from your nap.  You were so excited!  Once Grandmoo arrived, Mommy was off to work for a couple of hours, another fun evening of working :)  When Mommy arrived home, Daddy, Grandmoo, Sister Kelly, and Brother Aaron were all visiting and feeding you two.  You two were beyond cranky!  Grandmoo, for whatever reason, always manages to get the worst of you two.  She took you outside to drive your electric jeep (your all time favorite thing to do), and then she took you for a wagon ride AND a walk.  Mommy loves when Grandmoo gets a hold of you two, you two are plain exhausted after just a few hours with "Moo."  You two were quite the fussy handful by the time Mommy arrived home.  Bodhi, after you ate dinner you started crying and you wouldn't stop.  Daddy held you for a while and you passed out!  Daddy carried you to bed at about 7pm!!! Wow that's early!  Hopefully you don't wake up at midnight ready to go go go!  Buddha, you poor little munchkin head.  You screamed when Grandmoo was leaving, and you continued to scream after being rocked to sleep and then waking back up, a total of 6 times!  Mommy and Daddy tagged teamed you and eventually got you down, however, you were obviously hurting, you couldn't get comfortable.  

Sweet dreams my sweet exhausted babes!  Mommy and Daddy and Grandmoo and Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron LOVE you both very much xoxoxoxoxo

PS Mommy just remembered... yesterday, Mommy walked you two to the post office downtown in the stroller :)  So, this was the second nice day outdoors :)  Oh and today, Mommy finally got her traffic light ha/ha I've always wanted one, and I found one!!!  So we'll have a WORKING traffic light in our home, I'm thinking the dining room :)  YAY! 


Bodhi doing her part to assist with the Animal Rescue House :)

Little Worker Bees!

The Supervisor!

"Here Sister Kelly, you can help too!"

Ju Ju loves Bodhi's first car, he doesn't adhere to the "breaks for animals" bumper sticker though!

The babes enjoying some outside time

"Cleaning Buddha" following in his sister's footsteps :)

Work Work Work

Dinner time!

Tired babes :)

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.