Thursday, September 6, 2012

Grandmoo's Bakery

This morning you two started your day with Momma.  We got ourselves cleaned up, ate, and played until GiGi arrived.  GiGi stayed behind with you, Jude, while Mommy took Bo to her three year old well child check-up (though the three of us haven't been well for a while).  Bodhi, you were so good!  Daddy sent Mommy a text asking how it was going and Mommy sent Daddy an adorable picture of you sitting up on the examination table.  Dr. Zentz says you are perfect, but to watch your weight :)-  He suggested that we not feed you so much fruit and pastas, since you eat a ton of both.  You weighed 37 pounds and measured in at 37 inches, both greatly above the average for your age.  85% for height and 90% for weight hee/hee  You are carrying a pound per inch :)  Dr. Zentz tested you by asking you your shapes, colors, animals, all of which you spatted off with no effort and didn't miss a single one.  He even asked that you draw the shapes that he drew, which you did (left-handed).  Dr. Zentz asked if you favor your left hand and Mommy said that you use both so he suggested that I try to get you to use your right hand more.  He explained that it's a right-handed world, Mommy said that's fine so long as you bat left handed :)  After we returned home, Mommy fed both you and Jude, and then you both went down for a nap.  Mommy got things ready for work and Grandmoo drove over to wait for you both to wake up.  

Mommy worked in Frankfort, leaving at 2:30 p.m. and returning home at 9:30 p.m.  Daddy had got off work at 6:00 p.m. but Grandmoo insisted that she keep you until I get off work to make it easier on Daddy.  

When Mommy arrived to pick you guys up, your chocolate cake was cooling and so we had to wait so that you, Ms. Bodhi Baker, could ice the cake.  You asked Mommy, "Mommy is it perfect?"  Mommy answered, "It's perfect, the best looking chocolate cake I have ever seen."  Bodhi, you were so proud!  You both insisted on sampling the cake so Grandmoo and Mommy fed you both and then we headed home at 10:30 p.m.  Mommy still had to feed and catch the cats, take care of the dogs, get you both tucked in bed, and Mommy decided to skip my nightly chores.  Our house is a mess since Mommy has been sick, and the only day I tried to clean, you, Buddha, were out of control.  Mommy spent that cleaning day cleaning up mess after mess.  

Sweet dreams my sweet babes!  Mommy loves you both so much :)

Big Girl Bodhi at the doctor's office

Grandmoo getting the icing started, yummm!

Look at you go!

While everyone was busy, little Buddha was busy doing his own thing too ha/ha

That footstool is super heavy, I know it doesn't appear to be, but trust me it is!  If you catch your toe on it like I have, it kills...could easily rip your toe off hee/hee

Lights ON!

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.