Tuesday, September 4, 2012

COME ON?????????"

Happy Belated Birthday Aunt Debbie!!! We LOVE YOU!

Mommy always tells you the night before what to expect the next day.  So, when Mommy told you this morning, Mommy's been sick and working a lot, Mommy needs to clean up the house, are you two going to help?  It shouldn't have been a surprise.  However you two frowned, grudgingly agreed, but Mommy should have known!  You two are always excited to help Mommy clean, but for whatever reason, this morning you two went nuts in a major protest!

Mommy FB post from this afternoon: (I felt compelled to share, it was so unreal!)

My day so far (8am-1pm)… Bodhi (completely potty trained) decides to crawl in bed with me and use my bed as her potty (Good morning Momma). Jude removed vent cover in floor and proceeded to try and hide in our heating/air ducts, I managed to snatch him up just in time as I’m carrying down all the bedding that Bodhi soiled. I went to plug in vacuum after starting a load of laundry, both Bodhi and Jude poured an entire new bottle of carpet fresh on one spot on the floor and then were throwing it all over my furniture. While vacuuming up the carpet fresh mess, Jude shoved two balls and two hair bows down the toilet, and then took Bodhi’s pee bowl out of her potty (spilling pee all over the carpet) and dumping the remainder of pee on top of the two bows and two balls in the toilet. While cleaning up the pee mess, Jude went and got a screw driver out of my tool box and decided he wanted to put said screw driver into the plug-in… taking advantage of the fact that I was distracted from putting safety plugs back in the plug-in because I was cleaning up the pee mess (even though he knows how to remove safety plugs (luckily I caught him just in time... theme for today apparently). Moving onto lunch, Jude decides to start the washing machine (soaking the already clean bedding waiting to be put in the dryer), then takes his “play” mop and mops the kitchen floor with dog water… all while I make grilled cheese sandwiches. I stop lunch, clean up mess, lock him in his high chair, continue with lunch. Jude takes his tray of oranges and dumps it all over the floor and then places tray on his head!!! Oh and if that isn’t bad enough, (before nap time) Jude gets a chair, carries it to my dresser (looking for gum in my purse) finds a prescription bottle of allergy medicine, opens it somehow, and is putting one in his mouth… again, luckily I was right there. Now, how am I not skinny???--- later I posted that I was hiding from the two of you, eating a caramel apple and that's why I'm in fact not skinny ha/ha TRUTH!

Ok, I know I don't capture the craziness of our days in these entries, most days... truth is, I'm usually too tired at the end of the day to tell ALL about them in such detail, or I put off writing the entry until the next day and by then most of it has escaped me ha/ha.  Now usually "incidents" lets call them, are more spread out throughout our entire day, but not today!  I can assure you, our evening was no less eventful, including more balls in the toilet, even after being spanked, and a ton more messes, bumps and bruises.  What on earth has got into you two, especially you, Buddha?  Another funny story from today (there are several) you two only took about an hour and a half nap, so once Mommy got you both up, Mommy grabbed a caramel apple and hid from you both.  Mommy was giggling, you two were running up and down the stairs yelling "Momma!"  Jude, you started to freak out and caught a glimpse of Mommy, you were yelling, "Momma, Mommmmeeee, Mommmm," and running after me.  We were running in circles, and you saw that I had something and you became real flustered.  "Mommy, what do you got?"  Mommy threw the evidence away and stopped. You, Buddha, said "Up Mommy," I picked you up, "open Mommy,"  you looked in my mouth and smelled my breath, yep!  "What you got Mommy?"  Sucker!  Mommy can't get any food by you or your sister.  

Mommy's day was way too long, and Mommy is still sick, though better. Aunt Dianna from down the street sent Mommy a text, "are you hanging in there?"  Mommy's response: I decided to give in and give up.  Nothing was meant to get done today, though I did manage to get some work done while you two napped:)   I also managed to catch these entries up after you two went to sleep for the night ha/ha all while watching our First Lady give her speech for the Democratic Convention.  Go Michelle!  Go Obama!  It's no surprise why the more educated typically vote Democrat... speeches are much more substantive, REAL!

Mommy has a video interview with you, Jude... however, Mommy's phone is dead so it has to charge. I'll post it tomorrow :)  Mommy is going to finish celebrating the end of today with another caramel apple ha/ha 

Should have known when I saw you coming down the stairs with your baby stroller!   Really Jude?  Let's break a bone by 8:30 a.m., please!

Still sleepy :)

You two weren't ready for a nap, but Mommy was... you two got put in Jude's crib/baby jail while Mommy made a work call ha/ha

You two found trouble everywhere!

"No Mommarazzi!"

I tried every setting on my camera... look closely... it's a golf ball in the toilet!  Really Jude?
Me:  Didn't I spank you for putting things in the toilet earlier?
Jude:  yes, Mommy.
Me:  Do you want spanked again, Jude?
Jude:  Giggle, No Momma, no spanks, clean balls!  

Yep, what could I do with that?

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.