Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bad Buddha Boy Thursdays

Mommy had the alarm set for an early wake up call.  We have house showing so Mommy has to get over to open all the windows and make sure everything is tidy, all prior to Daddy leaving for work.  Minutes before the alarm was due to go off, Daddy awakened Mommy, and Mommy made a mad dash to get back prior to Daddy leaving. Once Mommy returned, Mommy took a shower, and when I got out of the shower, Buddha, you had taken your sister's potty pot out of the potty chair,and poured your sister's urine all over her rug in her room.  However, Mommy discovered, it wasn't the only mess you manage to make while I took a quick five minute shower.  You, Mr. Buddha, managed to open your sister's closet door (child proofed and all) located some markers, colored your hair blue, and created some wall art on your sister's walls!  OOOOH Mommy was hot!  I kept my cool, explained that you were in so much trouble, sat you in time-out, and then you were made to clean up the messes. You were happy to clean up which just made Mommy's blood pressure raise even more.  Mommy assisted by cleaning the urine mess... guess I'll be cleaning carpets AGAIN!  Mommy then made you take a shower by yourself...Mommy of course showered you, but I wasn't in the shower with you.   You were then highly upset  because Mommy's big butt wasn't in there to block the water from getting in your eyes ha/ha and Mommy was then satisfied that you had learned your lesson hee/hee

After messes were cleaned up, and after we were all cleaned up, Mommy packed you in the car to go on the hunt for Dianna's son a shirt to wear for family pictures.  Dianna had so much to do, and was highly stressed (Mommy could completely relate and felt bad) so it was important to at least find something for her to give her another option.  Well, mission accomplished!  We found an adorable blazer, but Mommy doesn't know for sure if it'll work with all of his sister's outfits. You two were so good at the mall, Mommy agreed to let you ride a kiddie ride.  Jude, it was your turn to pick, and you picked the police car of course :)  Mommy warned you both that there would be only one ride, and there wasn't to be any crying.   You both agreed, and amazingly, you both kept your promise. So, our departure of the mall was a happy one YAY!  We then headed to Dianna's house. Dianna was working, so we left the goods on her back door.  Mommy then had to take Daddy some items to work, he had left behind this morning during the morning rush.  You two were hungry, and due to go to GiGi's and Grandmoo's, so Mommy picked up lunch for you two (corn dogs...yes, nutritious I know) and a coney dog for Daddy. We then delivered lunch and his items.  You two were excited to see Daddy, and as we were pulling away, you, Ms. Bodhi, said, "Mommy, is that Daddy's work?"  Mommy said yes, and you thought it was so cool that you got to see Daddy's work...even though you have been there with him several times  before ha/ha  

Buddha, Thursday is obviously your "bad Buddha boy day," and thankfully, Mommy works Thursday evenings in Frankfort ha/ha.  So, your "bad boy'ness"  is shared :)  Since Bodhi, went to a soccer game with GiGi and Gi-Pa last week, and then ended up staying the night, you get to spend this Thursday with GiGi and Gi-Pa.  Bodhi, you are going to Grandmoo's today.  You both were super excited and not bothered by the fact that you each were going your separate ways :)  YAY...again!    So Mommy went to work, Daddy came home from work (after picking up some tuna for the kitty cats, you were supposed to remind Mommy when we were at the mall Ms. Bodhi :), you forgot)!  Daddy then got busy on trying to catch up on his work while you two spent time with Great Grandma and Grandma.  

Mommy picked you up first, Buddha.  You didn't want to go at first, but when Mommy told you that you would get to see Bo Bo and Grandmoo, you were game!  You didn't totally break Mommy's heart, you did give me a great big Buddha hug and a long sloppy kiss :) GiGi reported that you had a horrible dinner, a ball park dinner (so I didn't tell her about your terrible lunch hee/hee) but she said she made you eggs when you got home, so you got some protein (Gross)!  Nachos, carrott sticks, raisins, and then eggs...I'll take my trail mix dinner over yours ha/ha  Lets just say you got ripped!  You and your sister LOVE GiGi's home cooked meals, none for you Mr. Bad Buddha Boy Thursday! GiGi said you enjoyed watching the soccer game, unlike your sister ha/ha  but more importantly, you were a good little guy! :) We then went to retrieve your sister.  She was so excited to see Mommy and you, she ran in her socks out the door to go get you, Buddha.  She didn't imagine that Mommy would go a head and put her in her car seat ha/ha  Gotcha both.   Well, so I thought!  Grandmoo of course didn't like that Mommy was tired and trying to get home, so she took you out, Buddha, she had to give you a good squeeze.  Bodhi, you made pudding, so Granmoo wrapped up four glasses of chocolate pudding for us all to sample once we got home.  Daddy was waiting on us, to help us all inside.  We got you two settled for some pudding.  You make great pudding Sis!  Mommy and Daddy sampled it, and then put it away to eat tomorrow, but you, Buddha went to town and ate your whole glass, plus some of your sister's.  Mommy and Daddy then tucked you both in bed.   Mommy rocked you, Buddha, as usual, but when you saw Daddy exiting Bodhi's room, you requested that Daddy rock you.  So, Daddy finished your nightly routine while Mommy went and tucked Bodhi in again.  

PS Yesterday, I forgot to mention.... Daddy took you, Mr. Buddha, bright and early to your well-child check-up.  Dr. Zentz says we wouldn't even believe how tall you are going to be ha/ha  We still don't have an exact height to report... you were off the chart!  Dr. Zentz also reports that you are proportionate and perfect.  He also says that your orneriness is absolutely to be expected, and that your exploration adventures are a sign of high intelligence, lucky us :)  Anyway, you were super ornery and uncooperative when it came to getting your measurements, which caused Daddy's back to go out... that is why Daddy was out of commission most of yesterday.  Sucker!  

GiGi said she only managed to get one picture ha/ha It's of you, Buddha, showing off that you are wearing your sister's house slippers :)

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.