Friday, August 26, 2011

Someone Was Getting Your "Getties" Today

Bodhi and Buddha, you had another fun morning at Aunt Ti's.  Neither of you were excited to see Momma :( and neither of you cared to leave :(  Once home, Mommy got you, Bodhi, down for your nap... you were a giggle box.  Buddha, you too were a major giggle box.  When Momma was nursing you, you kept tossing and turning and giggling up a storm.  You were giggling so hard you projected spit-up, not once but twice,  all over Mommy's face and shirt, ewwww! You both were laughing and giggling like you do when Momma gets your getties! You both took a long nap, and Mommy had big plans to knock out a bunch of work.  However, I got stuck working on on photo book for Grandma Betty and it ate up most of my "work time."   Mommy is in project mode, but I think it's more of a "avoiding homework" mode :( 

This evening Grandmoo came over to take you both outside to play.  Grandpa Kurt played with you both outside too.  Sister Kelly and Brother Governor also stopped by to visit.  Mommy had to do a drug screen and an unannounced visit, then Mommy returned home to a very cranky Buddha.  Sister Kelly and Grandmoo report that you were out of control cranky, Buddha.  As soon as Mommy walked in the door, Grandmoo threw you at me hee/hee You instantly calmed down and were back to being happy :)  Mommy nursed you to sleep.  Bodhi, Mommy fed you dinner after getting your brother down.  You then spent the rest of the night cuddling with Daddy while watching your favorite evening cartoons.  Daddy sent Mommy out to get him some back medicine, and when I returned home, you were asleep.  Mommy went upstairs and gave you some goodnight kisses and now Mommy has a laundry list of things to get done, not to mention the laundry!  Tomorrow you both are spending the morning with GiGi and Gi-Pa Poncho while Mommy and Daddy look at four houses.  Sweet dreams baby butts!  Mommy and Daddy love you to pieces :)

"Tickled Buddha" :)

You're scaring Momma... I don't want to nurse you like that!!!

Such a Sucker!  "Arrrrrrgh Momma, I need nursed so I can go to bed!"

"That's better :)

Chicken noodle soup for dinner, mmmm!

Little Lefty ;)  Momma failed to get pictures today... except for some last minute shots.  I'll get more of you tomorrow Bodhi girl!

Finally, Daddy's masterpieces displayed appropriately. 

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.