Good morning! Mommy got an early Valentine's Day present from Daddy...breakfast in bed! Mommy browsed a decorating magazine, ate some oatmeal, and sipped on some coffee, it was terrific. Twenty minutes later, however, the fun was over ha/ha Mommy got busy trying to figure out how to get a school document for our accountant, and I ended up soliciting the help of the Great Sister Kelly. Together, we managed to get what I needed :) YAY Sister Kelly! It was also super terrific when you, Jude, got in big trouble downstairs with Daddy, resulting in a spanking, and you came upstair (while Mommy was on the phone with ISU) screaming hysterically, and you, Ms. Bodhi, said loudly, "Daddy hurt my brother Mommy." Oh good Lord! I know the lady heard, and well, Mommy kept right on talking, ignoring your major DRAMA Jude. Daddy rarely spanks, but you got one and you threw a fit!
After all the drama died down, Mommy took a shower an then got the two of you dressed. We headed to the animal shelter to visit all the critters before Mommy walked them all. You two were in love with all the animals, and would have stayed the entire day, completely content had I allowed you to. You fed all the dogs (not having surgery) a treat :) You also petted the cats and talked to each of them :) Jude, ALL the gray cats LOVED you. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Each and everyone talked and stuck out their paws for you. Bodhi, you got a little jealous, so Mommy had to reassure you that the gray kitties loved you as well :) After you two visited, Mommy took and dropped you off at home with Daddy. He reports that you, Mr. Jude would not go to sleep, "Daddy can I have some water, Daddy can I have a piece of cheese, Daddy can I have a piece of candy?" You try that with Mommy too. If you don't look completely exhausted, I allow you to stay up, but if your eyes look tired, Mommy makes you go to bed, and all I have to do is threaten to throw your bunny dress away, or any dress for that matter. Daddy didn't give up, he said you eventually fell asleep, at 4pm!!!
While you two were napping and not really napping, Mommy walked every single dog (that didn't have surgery). Mommy had some difficulties with one Chilhuahua female, new to the shelter. She would show her teeth to everyone, shake uncontrollably, and snap at anyone that tried to come near her. Well, Mommy completely exhausted from walking dogs for 3 hours straight, decided that I wasn't going to give up until I friended little Ms. No Name. Mommy managed to get a leash on her, she snapped and missed several times but I didn't give up, but then she went crazy (Mommy's not use to small breed dogs and well she obviously had never been walked), and I didn't know how I was going to get the leash back off of her. So I opened her cage door, sat on her bed, offered her treats, allowed her to smell me, and most importantly, I was calm and didn't let on that I was fearful she was going to take a chunk out of my hand (not because I was afraid of being hurt, but because I didn't want to be the cause of her being put down). Momma conquered her and won her over. Mommy got her comfortable enough and I scooped her up in my arms. Her paw got tangled in my hair and there I was, face to face with the little girl...I just knew she was going to take a bite out of my nose when I went to untangle my hair from her paws. She didn't though!!! Mommy took her outside and walked a normal dog walk, with her in my arms ha/ha! She LOVED it, and I think she felt much better after getting some fresh air, even if she didn't walk. One of the staff members was so happy I got her out she put me in charge of naming her :) So, little Ms. No Name, is now Little Ms. Emilia :) Surely she'll have some good Karma with such a great name! I would have taken her home in a minute, but with you two wild animals, and our other four wild animals, Ms. Emilia would have died of a heart attach in a matter of an hour.
After Ms. Emilia was settled back in her cage, covered with a blanket and now with a new name, Mommy headed home, just as the shelter was closing. I can't describe the feeling, it's such an intense mix of satisfaction and yet desperation, I think. Some days the critters don't get out of their cages at all, and I find that terribly troubling. While walking down the isle at the conclusion of my volunteer time, I see the appreciation in their eyes and it melts my heart, but I also see the "please take me home, please find me a forever home in their eyes as well." Well, they all got a walk today, and next Wednesday, and the Wednesday after that. If you two were older, we'd be there everyday I didn't work. I believe, like the Incredible Dr. Pol believes, children that care for animals make better people! Thanks Great Papaw for turning me onto that show btw :)
Once home, Mommy threw a lasagna in the oven and bundled you two up. We headed outside. Mommy cleaned out her car while you two played in the backyard. Bodhi, you picked up pine tree branches and planted them in the cold muddy dirt, Mommy didn't tell you that they wouldn't grow. You were so satisfied with yourself, "Mommy I made them safe in their new home," a planter. You hands were frozen and dirt under your nails. Mommy just said, "good job Bodhi, I'm sure they'll be happy in their new home." Jude man, you went down the slide head first over an over. Then you terrorized the cats, you wanted to pet them and when they darted from your attempts, you held on to their fur. Mommy immediately put a stop to that, and explained to you that they were scared of you and that you were only making it worse, as well as how to get them to come up to you, but you were on to playing in the squirrel corn below the pine tree. You were hoping to see Wendall or Carley, but they didn't come around while we were outside. After Mommy cleaned my car and the cat house out, we headed inside for a bath. After baths we ate dinner and then you two picked up your rooms and headed to bed. Sweet dreams my sweet sweet animal loving babes! :)
PS Mally the German Shepherd was adopted!!!! :) YAY!!!!
"Hello, Hello Kitty!" |
We were all sneezing by the time we left the cat area. We are ALL allergic. Daddy wants to adopt the Siamese kitty for inside, I don't think so...inside the kitty mansion maybe! |
Jude's best friend! |
Siamese on top, Jude's best friend on the bottom. YES Dianna, I turned my phone around and it's still fuzzy! |
I use to make this face ha/ha... I have a picture and you look exactly like your Momma here! |
Beautiful bouquet number 1, from Great Papaw :) |
Mini version :) |
All decorated for a surprise Valentine's Day breakfast and lunch :) |
Some reused party supplies, including gift bags, and we are good to go :) |