Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesdays Child Is Full Of Woe

Buddha, wow!  Last night was the second night in a row you woke up at about 2am screaming your head off for your "Momma, Mommy!"  You have the most horrible angry scream too.  You are refusing to be rocked back to sleep, but rather, only settle down and stop screaming once Mommy puts you in bed with Mommy and Daddy.  You are a precious booger when you say, "tank ouuuu Momma, tank ouuuuu Daddy!"  However, last night you were not settling even after being put in Mommy's and Daddy's bed, uggggh!  You did eventually fall back to sleep, but it was sometime later. 

This morning of course came way too early.  Really Ms. Bodhi???  6:30 a.m. is not acceptable.  No wonder you get so fussy throughout the day.  Daddy made Mommy coffee and got you both some juice... Mommy could not have got out of bed otherwise.  Then Daddy was off to his doctor appointment.  He spent a couple of fun hours in a tube :(

While Daddy was away, Mommy had planned to jump in the shower and get you both outside, however, you, Buddha were not having that.  You were attached to Mommy and there was no escaping you.  So, Mommy opted to get you both dressed and ready to go for when Daddy arrived home.  Well, getting you two dressed posed a challenge since Mommy has not put away laundry for the entire week (something I usually do daily) because I've been working on home improvement projects.  BTW, our how is D.I.R.T.Y!  So Mommy got busy putting your clothes away, and that led to another discovery... you two have so many clothes you have outgrown in your closet (and clothes Daddy has stained by not spraying stain remover before washing by trying to "help" Mommy, hu), so Mommy started going through your clothes.  Jude, you stood beside Mommy the whole time, rubbing Mommy's leg (something you have grown fond to doing, possible since Mommy has taken time to shave my legs lately ha/ha)  and every time Mommy dropped a hanger, you would quickly say, "Otttt Ohhhh," pick it up and hand it to Mommy while saying, "here you go Mommy."  You can be so darn precious.  Bodhi, you had fun making a mess of Mommy's pile of clothes I was throwing on your bed as I went along.  Bodhi, you are usually not one to make messes, but you were in a mood and that mood was PURE ORNERY today.  

Once Daddy arrived home, he took you two for a stroller ride to the Rescue Mission.  He put the huge bag of clothes on the stroller and took the two of you to donate them.  Luckily, you two didn't put two and two together.... neither of you realized you were giving your clothes away ha/ha  Bodhi, you are like your Daddy, a hoarder, so it would have been a major fight.  Buddha, you are not as bad as your sister, but you too have a little hoarding in you.  Mommy took the opportunity to enter some data and take a shower while Daddy had you both out on the town.  Bodhi, you fell asleep on your walk and Daddy carried you to bed, against Mommy's recommendation that I carry you to bed, and Buddha, Mommy of course held you until Daddy got Bo tucked in for an afternoon nap.  Buddha, you were not ready for a nap, but you were ready for lunch.  So Daddy fed you lunch and Mommy left for my hair therapy appointment... an appointment I scheduled four months ago, and I was in desperate need of, however the timing couldn't have been worse financially.  Anyway, Mommy made it work and Bo you told Mommy you liked my hair and that it looked like Bubby's ha/ha  Mommy had my highlights touched up :)  

Mommy came home from my wonderfully relaxing hair appointment to find Daddy asleep on the couch. Bodhi, you were on the rug coloring with markers, and Jude man, you were upstairs crying.  Wow, relaxing time was over.  Mommy hopes you weren't crying long, Daddy's deaf, it was about your normal wake-up time, so I don't think you had been crying long.  Your face and eyes didn't appear too red, so Daddy wasn't added Mommy's "shit list" hee/hee  You both wanted to color, so Daddy got up to supervise.  Mommy tried getting you both to go outside, but you both were into coloring big time, well, for about 15 minutes anyways.  You both couldn't take the thought of Mommy outside without you, so you both joined Mommy outside for some landscaping and watering.  You two love to water... well everything, but mostly the driveway :)-  

Daddy made us a delicious dinner and served it to us outside.  Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron came by to visit us. You two were excited to see them, however, you both were getting very tired and clumsy.  So, what started as a nice visit, turned into Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron trying to distract you from your boo boo's.  Jude, it was a challenge to finish planting all the plants I had dug up to transplant by our new fence, because you again were in Mommy mode.  Mommy couldn't give you enough lovin's ha/ha  Thank you Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron for visiting and occupying the babes while I finished up the plantings :)  You guys are the best!

After dinner and after planting, Mommy took you both upstairs for a much needed bath.  Mommy put lotion on you called, "sunshine" and it smelled so good!  I don't remember who got it for me, but it's my new favorite (probably Sister Kelly).  You both loved it too and insisted on rubbing more and more on your body hee/hee  Bodhi, Mommy told you (secretly) after Mommy put Juders to bed, we would go outside and take Baby Kitty for a walk before locking her in her the Cat House.   You were super excited, but when I told Buddha you were going night night, you went into melt-down.  Mommy kept winking at you and making faces at you, but you didn't get it until Mommy whispered an explanation ha/ha  It's becoming our nightly routine to walk Baby Kitty, brush her, and give her lovin's.  She definitely enjoys our new routine :)  and so do you!  

Sweet Dreams my sweet and fussy babes :)  You both were born on Wednesdays, so what can we really expect?!

You two hiding in Mommy's and Daddy's room while Mommy was sorting the laundry to be put away ha/ha

Such stink pots!  All of Mommy's craft room tables/supplies etc... are currently in Mommy's and Daddy's room, making for several "good" hiding places.

Bodhi Monster getting Buddha's "getties!"

"My Bodhi, what long whiskers you have!"
In the background you can see the lattice work Mommy put around the Cat House :) as well as our new fence!

Baby loves her face scratched :)

Daddy and three of the four babes, going on an adventure :)

Mr. Arlo opted to stay behind with Momma :)

I love this tree!  It's much pinker and much prettier in person.  I'll try to get a better picture of it tomorrow.

A little run of fencing... to give Mommy a head start on you, Buddha!

Back fence, pre-landscaping.  Mommy wanted the pickets on the inside, but Kokomo recently passed a new ordinance that require the pickets to be on the outside! UGHHHH!

Mommy got this area pretty much landscaped and looking good... this is obviously the "before picture" :)

Bodhi, you make Mommy wear my rain boots on our nightly walk, you decided to wear your winter boots instead of your Hello Kitty rain boots, explaining that they were wet and dirty :)  You are so smart!

"Move it Mommarazzi!"

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.