We were certainly over booked today. Bodhi and Jude, you spent the morning with Mommy and Daddy. Mommy got out and mowed our yard early, and Daddy got you both dressed. Daddy then took you both to pick out two birthday dresses for little Princess Lizzie while Mommy finished up the yard work. Lizzie's favorite color is pink, so Mommy passed that information along to Daddy. Daddy does a great job picking out little girl's clothes, so Mommy knew Lizzie would have two pretty dresses. Bodhi, you picked out a Dora card for Lizzie's third birthday. Happy Birthday Lizzie Lou! You two came home to find GiGi dropping off some of your clothes that she had ironed for the two of you. GiGi gets bored so she asks that Mommy send over some of your guy's clothes to get ironed... which is super nice and helps Mommy out. Honestly, if GiGi didn't iron them, you both would both be wearing wrinkled clothes ALL the time, just like Mommy and Daddy. When you two pulled up and saw GiGi's car, you both went nuts... of course! GiGi visited with you two briefly and then she had to leave to take her brother some food. GiGi's brother, Great Uncle Bill, has Alzheimer's :( and he's getting worse. GiGi takes care of EVERYONE! When GiGi finally peeled herself away from you two, you, Bodhi, played on the swing with Daddy out back. Juders, you came inside with Mommy to make lunch (your a Momma's boy). Once you two finished lunch, Mommy doped you up with cold medicine and Tylenol, Jude, and then Daddy drove you both out to Aunt Ti's.
Mommy finally received her check, so Daddy decided today we would be getting our Tulip tree :) Mommy is super excited to restore some tree life on our section of the street. Our house and our neighbor's house are the only two houses without big beautiful shade trees lining the road :( Before Daddy went to pick up our new tree, he decided we needed to go pick up our newest addition to the Grills-Holsapple family. Mommy's friend had three little kittens dumped on her door step so Mommy agreed to take one of them, a female. They are all so tiny and cute, and of course the only girl of the three is a pistol. She'll fit right in around here. Bodhi, you decided yesterday that you would name your new little kitten Dora. So Baby Dora came home today. She stunk sooooo bad, Mommy immediately threw her in the sink for a bath. She's so little she doesn't have any fight in her, so bath time was a breeze, thank goodness. After getting Baby Kitty and Dora Kitty settled, Mommy had to jump in the shower and head to work. While at work, Daddy dug a hole for our tree out front... real smart Daddy, given that you have a bad back and have to have surgery! Luckily, Mommy had showed Daddy earlier in the day the general area I wanted it, because after Daddy put so much sweat and tears into digging the hole, it wasn't going any where else! Oh, we also had Tom Brown over again, finishing up the electrical work on our porch, the last electrical job thank goodness!
While Mommy was at work, Mommy got a call from one of our old neighbors, Brenda, from across the street. Her friend who has toured our old home several times, wanted to take some measurements so she wanted me let them inside. Mommy cut out of work a little early so that I could show the house... fingers crossed!
After showing the house, Mommy hurried home to pick up Mr. Arlo (who loves to go bye bye in the car, especially to Greentown) and booked it for Aunt Ti's. When Mommy arrived, there were tons of visitors (family) stopping by to wish Lizzie happy birthday. Aunt Ti reports that you, Jude, absolutely love Uncle Brentagious' brother, Nick, and you, Bodhi, made a new friend, Lila, Aunt's Ti's niece and Mommy's friend from school, Laura's daughter. Lila and her sister Averie are close to the same age difference as you and Jude. They are also both close to your ages. Aunt Ti also reported that you, Jude, wouldn't nap until Aunt Ti let you lay on her couch. You eventually fell asleep while Aunt Ti was baking Lizzie's cake. Aunt Ti says you both were good, and you both agreed you had a fun day.
When we finally made it home, after Mommy picked up dinner and bought you two strawberry ice cream, in which Mommy had to have Brother Aaron tell you, Bodhi, he made a special princess ice cream for you because you were crying hysterically...Cone Palace doesn't have blue ice cream.... you eventually settled down and enjoyed your strawberry shake. Jude, as usual, you were wearing most of yours by the time we made it home. You both were very excited to meet Dora and visit with Baby Kitty. You two had Mommy cracking up. Dora hisses and shows her teeth, but she's so little she's harmless. Baby Kitty is scared of her and hisses at her too, which made you both laugh. After one day, Dora is potty trained and eating solid food :) This arrangement might work out after all.
We all had a very exhausting and busy day... that's why it's 1am and Mommy is just now getting to the pictures section! Sweet dreams my sweet babes!!
Poor guy! A cold has got you feeling down :( |
Mommy's AND Daddy's little angel! |
Tired Babes! |
Jude, you LOVED Uncle Brent's brother, Nick! |
Baby Bo introducing herself to Baby Averie :) |
Does Bo want a little sister? |
Baby Dora :) |
You loved Baby Dora, Bo! So did you, Jude! |
Snug as a bug! |
Pissed! |
Nice picture Daddy... the whole point was to get a picture of the babes by the tree... |
Good thing Mommy took some pictures! |
Can't forget Mr. Arlo! |
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