Thursday, May 31, 2012

Away For Most Of Thursday

Mommy is super tired so today's post is going to be short.  Aunt Ti picked you both up this morning shortly after 9am.  You two spent the entire day with Aunt Ti while Daddy worked and Mommy traveled to Lafayette for work.  You two were happy to go with Aunt Ti, so her picking you up really made a difference.  After several hugs and kisses, you two were off for adventures with Aunt Ti, Ellie, Lizzie, and Andrew.  Oh, I think Jeanie and Trevor also spent some time with you guys today too.  

After work, Mommy had to show our house again.  The guy that previously looked at it three other times is interested in a contract sale.  We haven't heard back from the other couple that looked at it, a total of five times.  We are told we should expect an offer from them, but no word yet.  

Once you two arrived home, Sean Franky joined us for dinner.  Mommy had to do a drop, and Daddy went to pick up dinner.  You two stayed behind and enjoyed some Sean Franky time.  He adores you two :)  After dinner Mommy rocked you to sleep Jude.  You are so precious!  You and Mommy have a nightly nighty night routine :)  Bo, Mommy snuggled and loved on you, but you decided you wanted some additional Daddy time while Mommy drove Franky home.  You both were asleep on the couches when Mommy returned home.  

Tomorrow early afternoon, we are going to Gi-Pa's and GiGi's for Gi-Pa's birthday, and then you both are going to Aunt Ti's for the evening while Mommy and Daddy work.  Sweet dreams my super sweet babes.  You two are so special, Mommy and Daddy love you so much.

Bahahahaha!  This has to be a picture of you sitting in time-out ha/ha, Aunt Ti says you had a few today :)-

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Family Shelter Visit

After only four hours of sleep, Mommy was awakened by Daddy leaving for work, and you two ready to start your day.  Mommy had Allie on my mind big time.  So, Mommy set the ball rolling and explained to you both that we would be visiting a little blue healer pup named Allie.  You both ran around the house yelling, "Allie,"  "Allie!"  Unfortunately, Mommy obviously never paid any attention to the Shelter hours, they didn't open until noon.  Bodhi, for whatever reason, the moment we pulled up to the building, you started pointing and crying hysterically.  There were no dogs visible, Mommy still can't figure out what upset you, but you kept yelling in between cries, "Mommy leave!"  Mommy called Daddy to let him know the shelter wasn't open and that you had a complete melt-down, but he was already on his way, so we met up with him and were planning on going to a trophy store to look at plaques for our house, when Grandmoo called.  We had stopped by her house prior to going to the shelter.  Grandmoo wanted to know if you two could come over for a quick visit.  Mommy and Daddy drove you over while we ran our errands.  

After Mommy and Daddy got done and picked you both back up from Grandmoo's, Mommy took you two home to feed you lunch and then we were off to try the shelter again.  This time went much smoother.  You two loved little Ms. Allie, and more importantly, Ms. Allie loved you two :)  Daddy even liked her.  So, the next step is seeing how she gets along with Mr. Arlo.  Mommy really wants to foster her, but the foster program is just getting started and the lady said their program doesn't work the way Mommy intended it to work... taking a dog in to give it more time to find a home while allowing other strays to stay at the shelter... WTH!???  Then how do you plan on utilizing a foster system?  Mommy is going to get this bull changed and re-organized.  If Allie isn't adopted, Mommy will foster her, mark my words!  Mommy is smart enough to know that I need a test run before committing to caring for Allie long term.  Yes, Mommy would adopt to save her, but she's so neat, I'm certain I could find her the perfect home.  Mommy just has so much on my plate caring for you two toddlers, Mr. Arlo who isn't always "user friendly,"  as well as caring for two new stray kittens.  I just don't want to spread myself to thin and everyone lose out because of it.  So, we'll see how this all goes in the next few weeks.  

After our shelter adventure, you two were about to pass out.  Mommy rushed you home and got you both down for a nap, and Mommy so wanted a nap, but I pushed on and worked on house projects instead.  Since you two went down later than usual, yoen u two slept later than normal.  When you awakened, Mommy started dinner and got you two fed.  When Daddy finally arrived home from work, Mommy finished mowing the lawn and you two had some Daddy time.  Jude, Daddy says you cried for Mommy the entire time I was mowing and while I was doing a drop.  When Mommy arrived home I took you two outside to play while I watered the lawn and flowers.  You two were still tired but Mommy had to give you two a bath.  After baths Mommy allowed you two to stay up until 10:30 p.m. playing with your little people, while Mommy cleaned up the house and put clothes away.  It was then off to bed for Daddy and you two, but Mommy has another late night  a head.  

Tomorrow you two are going to Aunt Ti's while Mommy works in Lafayette.  Lets hope for a happy day a part tomorrow :(

Sweet Dreams my sweet babes!

Pictures were taken right before bed, Mommy is too exhausted to add captions :(

Bodhi, you love to decorate your little people doll house... just like Mommy :)

Buddha trying to figure out how the camera works :)-

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Life and Death

This morning we awakened to discover it had been raining!  Yes!  Our grass and flowers needed a good watering :)  Since it was wet outside, Mommy took the opportunity to do some inside organizing.  You two were eager to help since it involved your guy's toys.  Grandmoo had said she needed some more toys for her house.  You two had taken bits and pieces of your toys from her house, so Mommy started a bag of toys to take to Grandmoo's.  You two instantly got excited thinking you would be accompanying your toys at Grandmoo's, but Mommy explained we were just relocating some of your toys.  Mommy also had another bag started, a donate bag, but neither of you knew that, nor would either of you approved.  You two were so cute, carrying toys from one room in the house to another, helping Mommy as requested.  It was like Christmas for you both, since you both re-discovered toys you hadn't played with in forever.  Mommy allowed you guys to run up and down the stairs unattended, and you two loved it.  We got all your toys organized and cleaned out :)  It was a great morning.

Mommy took you both to Aunt Ti's so that I could go to work.  However, Mommy discovered shortly after dropping the two of you off, Susie Newburn's funeral/viewing was scheduled for today.  Mommy's heart sank, knowing the sadness Jim, Ben, and Andy and all of Susie's family would be feeling today, broke Mommy's heart.  Mommy still can't believe she's gone.  I can remember so clearly growing up across the street from Susie and the boys on Windsor Street.  Susie walking her cats, Jim playing ball with all of us neighborhood hoodlums!  Death deeply disturbs Mommy. I find no comfort in any aspect of it.  I tell myself they aren't suffering, I tell myself both... either A) they're in a better place, or B) there's nothing after death, but neither bring me comfort!  It's a fact of life though, we all die.  As Grandpa Kurt says, "there are two things you can't avoid.... death and taxes."  So, Mommy and my friend Lacey Rudolph, went together to pay our respects to Susie and her family.  Lacey and I were just at Susie's bedside visiting a couple of weeks ago, I can't get over how fast the cancer took her life, it's so unfair.  One things for sure, she'll be greatly missed by many, and it makes me appreciate even more, every minute I get to spend with the two of you (yes it's possible for Mommy to actually appreciate my time with you both more!)!  Time flies by, so make the most of every minute you are given, and be the best Bodhi and the best Jude you can be, be yourselves and be passionate!   RIP Susie!  May your family find peace and comfort, our thoughts and love are with them.  

After paying my respects, Mommy had to drive across town to pick up my client and take him to walk dogs at the Humane Society, something we do every Tuesday.  Today's visit to the shelter was a roller coaster of emotions.  Three of Mommy's favorite mugs were missing from the shelter, they were put down, including Mommy's all time favorite, a chow chow named KC :(..... More death, ugggh!  However, there were several new faces, one of which made Mommy's heart sing, just as it had once done for one other four-legged fuzzy butt, our old pal Mr. Murff.  A female Australian Cattle dog, Allie, was sitting pretty in a cage waiting to greet me.  Mommy spotted her right away!!!!  She sat in Mommy's lap, gave kisses, and was at complete ease hanging out in the play yard with Momma.  Other volunteers told Mommy that they have NEVER seen a dog attach to a person like Allie did to Mommy.  We instantly LOVED each other.  It was so hard putting her back in the cage to walk other dogs and clean cages.  She had been quiet, never barked her entire stay at the shelter (so I'm told),that is until Mommy put her back in the cage to tend to the other animals.  Little Allie literally grabbed hold of Mommy's arm, not my legs like most dogs do, but my arm and licked my face as if she was holding my hand begging me to take her home.  She was incredibly smart, just like Mr. Murff, but not nearly at neurotic as Mr. Murff.  Everyone was certain Mommy would be taking her home ha/ha.  I was level headed though.  I think I'm going to take you two into to see her, to see how she does with you both, as well as Mr. Arlo, and then I'll volunteer to be her foster Mommy if everyone gets along.  Allie WILL NOT be put down.  She's two beautiful, too smart, and too full of character.  Granted lots of dogs at the shelter are, but Allie's soul is connected to Mommy's :)-  She reminded me so much of Mr. Murff, and it actually made me happy.  The timing couldn't have been better, Mommy has been feeling down lately, and I've had some breakdowns over Mr. Murff, STILL!  So, we may be having another family member added (well at least temporarily), I will find her a good home, one where I can visit her!

After this up and down, up and down, day, Mommy brought you both home, took you out to play with Dora kitty, and then Bodhi, you and I walked Baby Ella and Mr. Arlo around the block.  We lost Baby Ella, and Mommy has spent most the evening walking around looking and calling for her.  I always lock her up each night, but she's not home yet :(

You both played with your "Little People" and then it was off to sleepy town.  Daddy passed out on the couch downstairs, his back is killing him :(  and Mommy will locate Baby Ella.  So much for house projects, it's so late and Mommy is mentally exhausted!

Sweet Dreams my sweet babes :)  

Mommy's sweet boy!

Mommy's and Daddy's sweet girl... you are very fair lately, Bo... you say you are a "Mommy's and Daddy's girl" ha/ha :)

Hula Hoopin' with tude :)-

"Aunt Ti, Bo Bo won't let me hula!"

Aunt Ti is so good to you both!  She LOVES you so much!

All BOY!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Today was Memorial Day, a day of special recognition of men and women serving our military and their sacrifices and the sacrifices of their families.

Bodhi, you began your morning early as usual joining Daddy watching the news, but Buddha today you weren’t far behind. So the three of us had some fruit for breakfast, and Daddy made coffee for him and Mommy. When Mommy awakened she got her and Daddy some coffee and made all of us (anotherJ) breakfast of toast and cerealJ.

After breakfast (againJ) we got dressed and the three of us headed out in the carriage, destination Grandmoo’s houseJ. Bodhi, you had called GiGi before we left the house, and while we were on our carriage walk, Mommy called and said GiGi was going to stop by and visit the two of you while we were at Grandmoo’s. When we arrived at Grandmoo’s, you made a bee line for your bunny slippers Bodhi, and both of you headed for Grandmoo’s kitchenJ. She made the two of you strawberries and sugar, and you both just glowed with happiness! A short while after we arrived, GiGi stopped by and the two of you were clearly ecstatic to be with both Grandmoo and GiGi!

The two of you played with GiGi and Grandmoo for over an hour, then we reluctantly headed home to get you both back in time for lunch and your nap time. The heat was absolutely oppressive, but the two of you seemed to be ok in your carriage with the cover down over each of your heads. On the walk back Daddy explained why we recognize Memorial Day, and why we should honor our military personnel every day. Daddy also explained we should especially honor Grandpa Harold, who was a professional soldier and whose aircraft was shot down during his service in Viet Nam. Daddy explained why Grandpa Harold was a hero, and Bodhi you agreed and repeated the word “hero.” You are both so incredibly precious.

Mommy had lunch waiting on us, and she put together the bubble makers Grandma Betty had bought you two.  After lunch Mommy took you both outside to make bubbles and play with Dora Kitty and Baby Ella J

After nap time, the two of you played for a short while in your swimming pool before dinner and “night, night.” Grandmoo called us and reported that some people came back to again look at the house on Leeds street, so we are all sleeping tonight with our fingers crossedJ.  Turns out the couple interested in it, Mommy grew up with on Windsor Street.  Torrey Roe’s brother, Chad, and his wife are interested in the house, and they brought Debbie Roe, Chad’s mother back to take a look at it!

Love you, precious Princess and Prince of Indiana, and love you MommyJ!

Mommy and Daddy were slow moving today, so we didn't catch all of the day's beautiful moments on camera :(

Buddha, your car bubble maker wouldn't work, luckily Mommy had this airplane bubble maker put back for you :)

Bodhi, you loved your princess bubble maker :)  You were chasing Baby Ella in this picture though :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Grandma Betty Sunday

We have been talking for days about going to Vincennes today to see Grandma Betty, and you have been totally jazzed about it, BodhiJ! It proved to be a long journey, though Mommy and Daddy tried to break the toll it takes on the two of you to be in the car for a long time by making stops. We took a back way, through Frankfort and Crawfordsville through Rockville then Terre Haute to avoid the Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis area traffic—but this route takes a longer travel time. We called Aunt Debbie to let everyone know we were running about an hour and a half behind, and she told us Aunt Terrie wanted us to come to her house and spend some time in her poolJ!

We arrived to find that Aunt Debbie and Uncle Mike and cousin Abby and Aunt Terrie and Grandma (BettyJ as Bodhi insists on calling her) were awaiting us with Kentucky Fried Chicken lunch, and Aunt Terri had outfits for all of us so we could go swimmingJ! After a while Robin (or Reuben as we affectionately call him) joined us as well, and just shortly before we left even Aunt Diane stopped by having got off work a little earlyJ! It was so great just to see everyone!!!
Bodhi and Buddha, you both loved the near two and a half hours of swimming (mostly floating) and especially being pampered by cousin Abbey and Aunt Debbie and even more especially by Uncle Mike. The two of you were in heaven! Buddha, you proved absolutely fearless in the water and we all agreed with a short but steady exposure you would be swimming like a fishJ. You did great, too, Bodhi and you dog-paddled your way around the pool while in a floatie. Mommy had some initial difficulty with adjusting the swim suit Aunt Terrie provided her, so Mommy’s boobies (as you like to call them) came completely out of her suitJ!

Daddy spent some time talking with Grandma, and we gave her a belated Mother’s Day card and fence planter. She loved it! She insisted on us writing down our address so she can send Mommy a graduation card for finishing her Master’s Degree program.

We had a truly great time, and as usual it was sad we had to turn around and leave so quickly, but we headed back toward home around 6 p.m. We stopped in Terre Haute and got some food from McDonald’s (you won’t eat “fast food,” Bodhi, and we all need to follow your example) and laid a blanket on a stretch of grass and enjoyed a picnic break. Buddha you were hilarious as you insisted on feeding everyone, including taking food out of your mouth and sharing with Mommy and Daddy, and sticking your fingers in barbeque sauce and putting them in Daddy’s mouth—maybe that is the real reason Bodhi won’t eat at fast food venuesJ.

We finally made it home near 10 p.m., and it was so good to be back home in our home sweet home, though we all certainly enjoyed beyond description our visit with our loving, generous family! Aunt Debbie called to make certain we arrived home safely, and we again expressed our heartfelt love and appreciation to her and everyone---we want them to come visit us and stay for as long as possible---we don’t get to see each other nearly enough, but “oh my gosh” (as you have been saying a great deal lately, Bodhi) we are so blessed!!!

“Night, night.”

Our favorite Vincennes picture spot ;)  Daddy's favorite spot too.  Bodhi, as we were driving through town and Daddy was pointing out where he went to school etc... you, Bodhi would say "Oohhhh MY GOSH!"

Our Annual Vincennes picture... identical to last years, but a year older :)

Uncle Mike and Bodhi :)  You and your brother were showered were gifts, you little suckers!

Aunt Diane, Aunt Debbie, fussy Jude with Momma, Aunt Terrie, Grandma Betty, Cousin Abby, Sweet Baby Bodhi, and Uncle Mike

About Me

My photo
We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.