This morning we awakened to discover it had been raining! Yes! Our grass and flowers needed a good watering :) Since it was wet outside, Mommy took the opportunity to do some inside organizing. You two were eager to help since it involved your guy's toys. Grandmoo had said she needed some more toys for her house. You two had taken bits and pieces of your toys from her house, so Mommy started a bag of toys to take to Grandmoo's. You two instantly got excited thinking you would be accompanying your toys at Grandmoo's, but Mommy explained we were just relocating some of your toys. Mommy also had another bag started, a donate bag, but neither of you knew that, nor would either of you approved. You two were so cute, carrying toys from one room in the house to another, helping Mommy as requested. It was like Christmas for you both, since you both re-discovered toys you hadn't played with in forever. Mommy allowed you guys to run up and down the stairs unattended, and you two loved it. We got all your toys organized and cleaned out :) It was a great morning.
Mommy took you both to Aunt Ti's so that I could go to work. However, Mommy discovered shortly after dropping the two of you off, Susie Newburn's funeral/viewing was scheduled for today. Mommy's heart sank, knowing the sadness Jim, Ben, and Andy and all of Susie's family would be feeling today, broke Mommy's heart. Mommy still can't believe she's gone. I can remember so clearly growing up across the street from Susie and the boys on Windsor Street. Susie walking her cats, Jim playing ball with all of us neighborhood hoodlums! Death deeply disturbs Mommy. I find no comfort in any aspect of it. I tell myself they aren't suffering, I tell myself both... either A) they're in a better place, or B) there's nothing after death, but neither bring me comfort! It's a fact of life though, we all die. As Grandpa Kurt says, "there are two things you can't avoid.... death and taxes." So, Mommy and my friend Lacey Rudolph, went together to pay our respects to Susie and her family. Lacey and I were just at Susie's bedside visiting a couple of weeks ago, I can't get over how fast the cancer took her life, it's so unfair. One things for sure, she'll be greatly missed by many, and it makes me appreciate even more, every minute I get to spend with the two of you (yes it's possible for Mommy to actually appreciate my time with you both more!)! Time flies by, so make the most of every minute you are given, and be the best Bodhi and the best Jude you can be, be yourselves and be passionate! RIP Susie! May your family find peace and comfort, our thoughts and love are with them.
After paying my respects, Mommy had to drive across town to pick up my client and take him to walk dogs at the Humane Society, something we do every Tuesday. Today's visit to the shelter was a roller coaster of emotions. Three of Mommy's favorite mugs were missing from the shelter, they were put down, including Mommy's all time favorite, a chow chow named KC :(..... More death, ugggh! However, there were several new faces, one of which made Mommy's heart sing, just as it had once done for one other four-legged fuzzy butt, our old pal Mr. Murff. A female Australian Cattle dog, Allie, was sitting pretty in a cage waiting to greet me. Mommy spotted her right away!!!! She sat in Mommy's lap, gave kisses, and was at complete ease hanging out in the play yard with Momma. Other volunteers told Mommy that they have NEVER seen a dog attach to a person like Allie did to Mommy. We instantly LOVED each other. It was so hard putting her back in the cage to walk other dogs and clean cages. She had been quiet, never barked her entire stay at the shelter (so I'm told),that is until Mommy put her back in the cage to tend to the other animals. Little Allie literally grabbed hold of Mommy's arm, not my legs like most dogs do, but my arm and licked my face as if she was holding my hand begging me to take her home. She was incredibly smart, just like Mr. Murff, but not nearly at neurotic as Mr. Murff. Everyone was certain Mommy would be taking her home ha/ha. I was level headed though. I think I'm going to take you two into to see her, to see how she does with you both, as well as Mr. Arlo, and then I'll volunteer to be her foster Mommy if everyone gets along. Allie WILL NOT be put down. She's two beautiful, too smart, and too full of character. Granted lots of dogs at the shelter are, but Allie's soul is connected to Mommy's :)- She reminded me so much of Mr. Murff, and it actually made me happy. The timing couldn't have been better, Mommy has been feeling down lately, and I've had some breakdowns over Mr. Murff, STILL! So, we may be having another family member added (well at least temporarily), I will find her a good home, one where I can visit her!
After this up and down, up and down, day, Mommy brought you both home, took you out to play with Dora kitty, and then Bodhi, you and I walked Baby Ella and Mr. Arlo around the block. We lost Baby Ella, and Mommy has spent most the evening walking around looking and calling for her. I always lock her up each night, but she's not home yet :(
You both played with your "Little People" and then it was off to sleepy town. Daddy passed out on the couch downstairs, his back is killing him :( and Mommy will locate Baby Ella. So much for house projects, it's so late and Mommy is mentally exhausted!
Sweet Dreams my sweet babes :)
Mommy's sweet boy! |
Mommy's and Daddy's sweet girl... you are very fair lately, Bo... you say you are a "Mommy's and Daddy's girl" ha/ha :) |
Hula Hoopin' with tude :)- |
"Aunt Ti, Bo Bo won't let me hula!" |
Aunt Ti is so good to you both! She LOVES you so much! |
All BOY! |