Well, it was another marathon day—hot, humid, and hectic!!! Mommy and Daddy were very busy yesterday, and both got very little sleep. And both Mommy and Daddy were up very early preparing for long days.
Mommy put some finishing touches on her “porch” sale project and Daddy busily prepared last minute details for two college classes this morning and then a brief presentation at noon in Logansport followed by a college committee meeting. We both can’t wait to rest our eyes a little and then gear up for tomorrow—another “porch” day sale for Mommy and early morning domestic violence intervention facilitation at Daddy’s “other” job.
Jude, you were a trooper this morning playing in your “play yard” as your sister slept in, and once again GiGi came over to help rescue everyone and show support for Mommy and her “porch” sale preparation. Mommy had the crazy idea that she could manage you both while putting on the “porch” sale, hee/hee, good thing GiGi knew better! There was a heck of a storm early this morning, but everyone was too busy to even be fazed by it at all.
Bodhi, you love the days when visitors come over all day long. GiGi, Grandmoo, Grandpa Kurt, Sister Kelly, the Governor, and Sean Franky all came over at different times throughout today. You also “freaked” once again, seeing all your stuff hanging outside and all boxed up really sends you in a state of panic J GiGi let you steel one of the bags that Mommy was selling, and you took it to Grandmoo’s to keep. You also rode in the car and helped Mommy hang “porch “ sale signs throughout town. One time you started screaming because you lost sight of Mommy from the car. Poor baby. Everyone recognizes that you are definitely well into the next developmental stage. You are so funny, but you definitely have the “terrible two’s” temper tantrums going on! You were going to stay overnight with Sister Kelly and the Governor, but they changed their minds hee/hee Mommy and Daddy bought everyone dinner, but you, Ms. Bodhi, managed to mooch most of Sister Kelly’s dinner and dessert. You are such a stink pot! Oh, and today, Bodhi, you taught bubby how to fist bump!!
Mommy got to see several friends that I hadn't seen in years, and a few friends I don't get to see very often, during the sale, which made the lack of sleep for the past two days, as well as the horrible stress attacks worth it!
Bodhi chillin' with the GiGi, there's the bag and headband you managed to swipe from the sale :) |
Juders, GiGi grabbed the camera because you were cracking her up this morning... you were playing with this box before Mommy put it outside. You would hit it, and it kept bouncing back up at you. You were laughing hysterically at the box! |
Once Daddy, Sister Kelly, and the Governor showed up, Mommy got a quick nap in!!! That's Mommy's big butt on the couch (thanks Sean Franky). Bodhi, you pulled out all your hats and accessories... so, you, Sister Kelly, and Jude played dress-up :) |
Where's the Governor's hat???? |
Mr. Arlo is use to playing dress-up. He has been dressed up for years before Mommy's and Daddy's two lil' people munchkins came along :) |
"Attention is attention!" |
Bodhi Sportin' the up-side-down sunglass look |
"Mobile Buddha"
Buddha you started taking a step or two between furniture yesterday and today! |
Buddha concentrating real hard to make his ride move ;) |
Aunt Debbie and Brian Riffe (Uncle Chris doesn't allow to have his picture taken) but his old truck made the picture! Mommy hadn't seen Brian in forever!!! He's expecting his third child (second boy)! Aunt Debbie bought several outfits and Mommy's and Daddy's desk! :) |
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