Sunday, November 18, 2012

Holiday Spirit

This week-end got off to a jump-start in holiday spirit with a special, generous gift from one of Mommy’s friends, Laura. Today was a substantial continuation of that holiday spirit with decorating projects around the house.

Brother Sean Francis came over and helped bring our Christmas trees in to the house from the garage (by “help,” of course, he carried them both by himselfJ). Mommy thereafter, with the help of two special elves named Emilia Bodhi and Jude Liam, set about converting our home into a majestic, magical, holiday wonderland! By late night, when Mommy’s gifts of arrangement were complete, our house sincerely looked like a show-home!

This year, Mommy especially dedicated herself to outdoor lighting in preparation of the Seiberling Mansion official holiday commencement celebration scheduled for next Saturday when folks stroll the grounds of the holiday-decorated mansion and take horse-drawn carriage rides around the neighborhood. Mommy vowed last Thanksgiving when we moved into our new home that by the following year our house would be a show-home for the neighborhood holiday season. Mommy keeps her word, and has the talent to back up her pledgeJ!

Daddy had to keep the two of you quartered in the living room with doors closed while Mommy ventured out onto our roof to hang her icicle light arrangements from the roof edge. Daddy was a nervous wreck the entire time Mommy completed this project. Mommy needed some additional lighting accruements, so Daddy was dispatched to Wal-Mart on a mission.

Sure enough, Wal-Mart was jam-packed with holiday season shoppers, so Daddy hurriedly found the lights and searched out a few grocery items and got in the long, long, long line to await his term to pay and hurry home. While standing in line and slowly proceeding toward the register, an older man behind in line made conversation with Daddy. He spoke of loving the holidays, but not liking the long lines and crowed shopping. He also asked Daddy if he thought the bag he was holding looked to exceed five pounds in weight, observing he only had two dollars but was fairly certain his “two yams” would not exceed the expected weight and cost more than he had. The man seemed kind and friendly and Daddy, frankly, related to an understanding of the anxiety expressed by the man. Finally, when Daddy got to the register and placed his store items there, Daddy then expressed to the store clerk to include the yams on his bill. The yams were hardly an expenditure, but they indeed exceeded two dollars, and the man expressly stated his appreciation to Daddy, and accepted his inexpensive but sincerely offered holiday gift. A man and woman couple standing next in line commented to Daddy how incredibly thoughtful that was, and Daddy responded it fell short of being incredible but sure made one feel incredible, and they commented they too were going to offer some help to someone.

That, big or small, is what “paying it forward” is all about. We, as a family, have a wonderful life, a beautifully designed (by interior decorator genius, Mommy) and holiday decorated home, and more and special blessings than can be measured. It is a season of giving thanks, and we do. And we will. Thank you, again, Laura for starting our season out with an act of friendship, kindness, and generosity. Thank you, anonymous man, for making Daddy a better man, and for an opportunity to remind Mommy why Daddy is her hero and to inspire her even more with the spirit of giving. And thank you to all our friends and family for sharing in the joy of our blessings! Happy Thanksgiving!

Lunch time, right before nap time :)  We didn't fix lunch, we all ate cold leftover pizza together!

We never stopped to put clothes on today... we decorated in our jammies all day and into the evening :)

The very last decorating project of the night... your guy's individual Christmas trees for your rooms!  

You both were so excited and got busy right away!  

Bodhi, you had a special ribbon arrangement at the top of your tree :)

And when your little bother wanted to put an ornament on your tree, you let him... only after you showed him the exact spot you wanted it hee/hee

"Right there Buddha, good job!"

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.