Monday, November 19, 2012

A Global Warming November Day

This morning Mommy got us all cleaned up and our house picked up in preparation of the cable guy arriving to install and switch our cable from At&t to Comcast.  GiGi came over to help entertain the two of you, and it was a beautiful day outside :)  So, we headed outside.  Daddy decided to use some of his time to extend his holiday vacation.  Daddy stayed inside getting work done while we played outside.  You two rode your bikes, played in the sandbox, and were pushed on your swings.  Bodhi, Mommy gave you and "under dog" and you with your slick yoga pants face planted :(  You quickly recovered and were more in shock than hurt.  After several kisses and hugs, you were back to normal.  Daddy had Mommy come inside and help with projects...I've been painting his office (and repainting), so it's been a chore to get books and bookcases moved!  Mommy then ran to the store to pick up some project supplies and returned to Daddy making you guys an egg sandwich for lunch.  You two ate your lunches at your picnic tables.  GiGi had to get going, this week is a stressful week for GiGi....preparing Thanksgiving dinner for all of Gi-Pa's family, but you two were a little mini escape from all her stress :)

You two went down for an afternoon nap and Mommy got to work painting.  Mommy and Daddy managed to sneak a nap in too.  Daddy had to go to his evening job, so Mommy played with you two... you two painting pictures and running around, while I made dinner.  We ate dinner together listening to our music, and then it was off to the bath tub.  After some additional post-bath playtime, you two headed to sleepy town.  Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes.  

PS Mommy will have to load pictures later, I left the camera at Grandmoo's :(

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.