Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Restful Saturday

Though Daddy’s day began as usual with his Saturday morning job, we all looked forward to purposely constructing a restful Saturday to assist Daddy in attempts to ease his continuing back pain!

Daddy returned home from work to find Princess Bodhi and Prince Buddha dressed and ready for our morning adventure. Mommy finished getting ready and we were off for a quick start of the indoor Farmer’s Market at the YMCA where we purchased some Amish eggs and honey, returned those two items to our home, then continued our adventure.

We next stopped at our favorite antique store where John informed us he had found a piano bench we might possibly be interested in, Mommy loved it so we hope to get it if it’s still available later this week. We then made another antique store stop where Mommy found an old church bench from Vincennes we are thinking about getting (provided Mommy sells her items on fb) J and putting in our kitchen for the two of you to sit on when Mommy and/or Daddy are doing kitchen work so you can be a part of our activity and listen to our kitchen music playerJ. We got lunch at White Castle and then made a quick diaper stop at Target, then off to our final antique venue where we found an antiqued Christmas tree stand Mommy and Daddy both admired—it too is on our last for possible purchase if still available in a week.

Finally, we made our way home where we all settled in for a much needed nap, the two of you were by then both fussy, and Daddy needed to stretch out flat on his back for some relief after taking his many medicationsL.

By 3:00 p.m. Mommy was off to work.  The two of you were awakening from naps shortly after, so Daddy got the two of you dressed in anticipation of Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron coming by to take the two of you to their home to visit Dolce and Karma and the bun buns. So, the two of you began a staring-out-the-window vigil, and sure enough Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron showed up on time to take the two of you away on your evening adventure, while Daddy stayed at home and attempted to catch up on work and while Mommy finished her out of town work appointment.

By the time the two of you got home from your family adventure with Sister Kelly and Brother Aaron, Daddy was honestly hurting so badly he hurried to get the two of you ready for bed and spent some time loving on the two of you and telling you a story, then we began our vigil for Mommy to get home so we could settle in for a much needed night’s rest.

Mommy headed to Aunt Dianna’s down the road for some craft time, she reports they ended up discussing paint colors for Aunt Dianna’s house and sipping on a glass of wine J 

Once again we enjoyed a love filled adventure weekend day, and hopefully the focus on some rest will result in Daddy having some much needed relief. Tomorrow we are going to continue our discussion with the two of you about wanting a baby sister or baby brotherJ. You both have agreed you want a baby brother, Yikes!

“Night, night!!!”

Stinker Butt Princess Bodhi and Brother Aaron

Dancing little doll!

Sponge Bob anyone?

No Sisterrazzi :)

Bodhi, you pulled out a "are you shittin' me Sister Kelly?" at dinner!  That's all Daddy.  You weren't thrilled that Sister Kelly didn't have mashed potatoes!

Project Update :)

Craft Room "Before"

Yep, it's busy :)  I made my own wallpaper by sealing scrap book paper, cutting them down, and then pasting them to the wall with wallpaper paste :)  It took Forever!

The start of organzing

Kokomo's "Old Ben"

The Seiberling... placed on the wall in the exact location the Seiberling is located across the street.

Aunt Tiana and I , cartoon version.

Yes, yes I did!  

Concert tickets, 1st circus tickets...these walls will document our adventure in our home :)

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.