You two were in for a triple treat today... Aunt Ti in the a.m., Grandmoo in afternoon, and GiGi in the p.m.! Buddha, you always amaze Mommy and Daddy, you were up all night long, yet you were still happy as can be when Mommy woke you this morning. You were terribly cranky by the time Mommy picked you up at Aunt Ti's this afternoon though. Aunt Ti said you both were good babes today! Bo, you did shake your hand at Aunt Ti and told her "no no," for no apparent reason. Aunt Ti managed to get you to say you were sorry and you told Aunt Ti you loved her, as to make up for being so nasty. Mommy got you both home, where Daddy was waiting to help get you guys down for your naps. Daddy stayed home from his Ivy job sick. We are all passing something around. I don't know if we have a combination of food poisoning/allergies/cold, or what, but Mommy has had a major migraine for the past three or four days now. Daddy was aching and sick all day today too :(
You two woke from your naps cranky as heck. Buddha, Grandmoo came over when Mommy was feeding you dinner, she wanted to take over feeding you, but you were a major crank butt. Bo, you woke up shortly after Grandmoo arrived, and you got upset that Grandmoo was yelling at Mr. Arlo to go outside to puke, instead of standing and gagging on Mommy's rug. You two eventually stopped fussing, only after Grandmoo took you both outside. Mommy then got you both dressed in your adorable costumes and walked you across the street to trick or treat Grandmoo, who rushed home and acted as though she didn't know you two were coming over. Then Mommy and Grandmoo took you to GiGi's and Gi-Pa's hood to trick or treat a few houses and pass out candy. You two had a blast checking out people's yard decorations, the masks people were wearing, and getting candy from strangers :) Bo, you were particularly fond a man sitting in his front yard with his male boxer, Zach, who was dressed up for Halloween. Jude, you gave Zach a kiss, but only after being told Zach is super friendly fuzzy and that he loves to give kisses. At the next house, Jude, you got super scared. You were staring at the man in the scary mask (Mommy thought for sure Bodhi was going to be the one to get scared and lose it hee/hee) but nope, it was you Buddha. You were fine at first, and about to grab a handful of candy out of the bucket when the masked man said something to you (without his mouth moving of course) and oooh boy! You turned and jumped a mile, right into your Momma's arms, I was kneeling down beside you at the time and I about fell over backwards. HA/HA! We all laughed at you and then you were fine, but you walked the opposite direction keeping your head turned watching the man, your eyes focused right on him, and you didn't stop staring him down until we got way down the block hee/hee.
After about a half hour of trick or treating on GiGi and Gi-Pa's block, we eventually arrived back to their house. They had been anxiously awaiting your guy's return and watching you two walk down the street the entire time. Bodhi, you got busy right away putting ONE piece of candy in every trick or treater's bag hee/hee Mommy left for work and to meet Daddy at Sam's Club, and GiGi reported that you, Bodhi, decided you wanted to go inside and play with your tea set with Dora, Diego, and Gi-Pa, while GiGi and Buddha continued to pass out candy. GiGi and Gi-Pa got you a Dora doll and Buddha a Diego doll, but of course you took them both over. So, GiGi says she now has to go buy Buddha a different toy :)- You are such a sucker Bo!
Mommy arrived back about an hour later to take you both home. You two were having a blast playing with your toys. Mommy got you home and was getting you both ready for bed, when Momma made a big mistake! Mommy gave Buddha his nightly dose of Benadryl and asked you, Bodhi, to come in the kitchen to take your dose, as well as your gummy vitamins. However, Mommy spaced it, and gave Buddha a second dose of Benadryl instead of you, Bo. So, Bubba was double dosed with Benadryl. Mommy quickly called Poison Control and was eventually told it wasn't an ER trip, but to tickle Bubba's toes to make sure he responds in a couple of hours. They also said it might cause him not to sleep, as in... have the opposite effect on him. Well, it did. Bubba was super hyper so Mommy kept him up for a while longer, but I then decided to put him in his crib to see how he would do, and he passed out almost immediately. It was super weird and sort of scary! As soon as I laid him down, his eyes rolled in the back of his head for a few seconds and then he was out like a light. Mommy has since checked on him and he didn't respond to tickling his feet, so Mommy shook him and stroked his head, to which he then responded by moving his arm. Mommy is now waiting for the Poison Control lady to call back, as she said she was going to call to check on him in a few hours. Wow! Mommy's first instinct was to stick my finger down your throat, Bubba, in an attempt to make you gag/puke it back up, but Daddy calmly instructed Momma to call Poison Control. We really lucked out tonight! Hopefully Mommy won't be too freaked to sleep tonight... Daddy on the other hand is passed out on the couch hee/hee Well, sweet dreams my sweet Sheriff and horsey horse. Momma and Da Da love you both soooooooo much! xoxo
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