Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Family Outing

Mommy stayed up late, or very early this morning, talking to Aunt Ti on the phone while cleaning house, so Mommy got very little sleep.  It was no surprise when Mommy over slept.  Good thing Daddy was scheduled for work a little later than usual this morning, so he took you two to Aunt Ti's.  Mommy and Daddy then were off to work.  Mommy has a horrible sore throat :(  Buddha, I think you aren't feeling too good either.  You weren't running a fever, but you only napped for about 45 minutes this afternoon, and you were fussy the rest the of the day. 

Mommy had to go to Lafayette to drop off and pick up drug screens, so we made it a Friday family outing.  Once Mommy took care of business, we went out to dinner at Spaghettio's.  You two weren't thrilled, and Mommy wasn't all that thrilled either, but  Daddy said his meal was good.  We all had a nice time together regardless.  Afterwards, we went and picked up Aunt Beth a house warming gift/thank you gift... Bodhi, Aunt Beth gave you an antique toddler bed with a mattress!  It's so stinkin' cute.  Once we get in our new house, you'll be sleeping in it :)  Well, we're all safe at home.  Mommy is about to dope up on some cold medicine and retire to bed early :)-  Hopefully, tomorrow we'll all be feeling good.  You two have a costume contest to win!!  Mommy also has her fingers crossed that the picture I submitted to the Kokomo Tribune will be selected for print this Sunday...GiGi and Gi-Pa would be so excited to see a picture of you two in the paper from our orchard outing with them :)  Sweet Dreams babies! xoxoxoxox

Pictures were taken by Aunt Ti today :)  Thanks Aunt Ti!

Buddha at Aunt Ti's :)

Whistle while you play :)

"Blue Buddha" :)

Bee Bopping Bodhi :)-

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.