Today Daddy continued his
troubled struggle with demands at work, and his sense of loss in maintaining
the priority of family, and nurturance of his precious babies.
Daddy survived his initiation of
a faculty professional development project, the first session of which Daddy
facilitated last evening. Daddy is always a harsh self-critic, so it will
require some time for reflection to assess perhaps more accurately how it went.
There was no time for reflection today, however, as Thursdays this semester are
busy class days and faculty advising. Daddy was literally up and running first
thing this morning around 7a and didn’t have an opportunity to see the two of
you until almost 9p when Daddy picked the two of you up from GiGi’s and of
course took you directly home and to bed.
Mommy also had to work, but being
superwoman she still managed to spend some quality time with Ms. Bodhi and Mr.
Buddha, indeed including you in a trip to the police station to complete some
background investigation requirements for her work. Mommy said it was of course
an adventureJ.
GiGi reported the two of you were
energetic and enjoyed a fun-filled stay with her and GiPa as usual. Both of you
seemed fully alert when Daddy picked you up, and each of you clenched in your
tiny hands bags of popcorn GiGi had made you. By the time we made it back to
West Walnut, both of you were sound asleep in your car seatsJ. Daddy carried each of
you in, and settled each of you in your beds, and gave you hugs and kisses and
whispered that Mommy and Daddy both loved you each to the moon and backJ.
Daddy attempted to stay awake for
Mommy to get home from work, but it was a struggle, Daddy was as exhausted as
the two of our little babies, and when Mommy got home it was instantly “night,
night.” Mommy has been tired and fighting the flu for over a week, and Daddy
finds it a genuine marvel that Mommy can run on empty as she does. Daddy has
discovered that when he is empty, his engine shuts down.
So, an exhausted family settles
for some much needed night’s rest, and all beginning to really look forward to
the approaching weekend, for some family celebration and hopefully time to
catch up on restJ.
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