Monday, March 18, 2013

Gizmo Finds His Forever Home

Well, this morning didn't start off so hot.  Bodhi, you were full blown sick again, and spent most of the morning crying and sleeping.  Buddha, you puked once, but had a major case of diarrhea.  Mommy will never forget your unbelievably explosive diaper...dripping piles of runny poo, ewwwwww!  You thankfully didn't move but a couple of steps and then started hollering for Momma!  Mommy felt fine the first half the day.  I did some chores, tons of paperwork (we now have new forms since we just completed a DCS audit), and just got some dreaded tasks done.  You two took an afternoon nap while Mommy did most of the work. Gizmo actually felt at ease for once, laying with Mommy in the bed next to Ms. Allie while I worked.  Mommy was surrounded by dogs :)  Gizmo and Allie nestled up next to me, and Mr. Arlo on the floor at the foot of the bed.  

Bodhi, you came and got in bed with Mommy and begged Mommy to make the blueberry dump cake that Mommy had spoken to Daddy about (while making out the grocery list yesterday).  Mommy had hamburger laid out for sloppy joes and everyone was disappointed when Mommy didn't make them at 9:30 p.m. last night, but Mommy thought it was too heavy to eat so late.  Mommy baked and made dinner.  Bodhi, you threw three major temper tantrums like I've never seen before...throwing things, stomping your feet, grunting, and yelling.  Mommy was very patient with you since you've been feeling horrible.  However, after two more temper tantrums (I can't even tell you what you were upset about) Mommy spanked your bottom and sat you in time-out.  You cried and cried and cried, you also snotted, and snotted, and snotted, I felt horrible!  Buddha, your diarrhea didn't slow you down at all.  You weren't feverish or fussy.  

Bodhi, you eventually settled down and reverted back to your loving self, Mommy got you laughing with funny faces.  Aunt Dianna had arranged for Mommy to take Gizmo to meet his new prospective family, an elderly couple-Aunt Dianna's grandparent family friends.  So once Daddy arrived home from work (heartbroken and not wanting to part with his mother's dog)  :(  Mommy took Gizmo with Aunt Dianna to meet the couple, and they turned out perfect for Gizmo.  Gizmo was a completely different dog.  The couple's home looked and smelled just like Grandma Betty's.  Gizmo strutted around smelling everything.  He even played catch with a ball.  Mommy couldn't believe it, you two have been trying your best to get Gizmo to play with his toys but he refuses.  He was sooo happy.  It made Mommy sad to realize just how unhappy Gizmo was at our house, especially since Mr. Arlo and Ms. Allie really don't mind him being around, but it also made me happy to know that he would be going to a loving home where he felt at ease.  Mommy couldn't get Gizmo to leave.  He started growling and barking at Mommy when I tried to get him back on his leash to return home.  Mommy had to bribe him with a walk to get him to come home.  The couple decided they wanted Gizmo, but Mommy didn't bring his supplies because it was a no-pressure meeting.  So, Mommy arranged to bring Gizmo back by in the morning with his supplies.  It's so incredibly sad, and it breaks Mommy's heart that Grandma Betty had to give him up.  I can tell Gizmo misses his Momma very much.  When he was visiting his new home, he was looking around like he was looking for his Momma.  When Gizmo saw the man's walker, you could tell Gizmo thought Grandma Betty was around.  :(  If Gizmo doesn't work out, the couple has promised to return him to us, and Mommy told them that I would dog-sit anytime they needed!  They appreciated the offer and agreed.  

Mommy was dreading bringing Gizmo back home, Daddy is really having a rough time with the idea of Gizmo not staying with us, however he agrees, Gizmo deserves a calm quiet home that he is accustomed too, and he certainly deserves the attention Grandma Betty gave him.  Mommy never sits down long enough to have Gizmo sit on my lap like he likes to do, he didn't know what to think with all our moving around. A part of Mommy wants to back out, but I know that's not what is best for Gizmo!  

So, this evening while all this Gizmo business was going on, Mommy started feeling faint and queasy!  OH NO, PLEASE NO!  Mommy is supposed to deliver three cats to their new home tomorrow, take Gizmo his to his new home, and then drive to Lafayette to supervise a visit and conduct a drug screen.  I cannot get sick.  Mommy did manage to find someone to cover my visit in the event that I get puking sick.  I'm just hoping that it will just go away!  

Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes!

I'm including the pictures from Wednesday morning that I didn't have time to add. 

Gizmo :)

This is the day the whole flu bug started!!! :( BOO!
However, check out these sweet sweet babes!

Bodhi naked and Jude man in a dress, geeeez!


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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.