Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

This morning you went to visit Grandmoo, with Valentine paintings in hand!  Grandmoo was so excited to see you both, and you two were equally excited to see her.  Mommy and Daddy headed to work, and you two spent a fun day with Grandmoo.  Grandmoo took you both outside to play, and then you two played all sorts of fun games inside.  Grandmoo is so creative when it comes to having fun activities for the two of you.  Mommy picked you up at noon, and you both were extremely exhausted, but neither of you wanted to leave with Mommy :(    Once Mommy got you home, you both went to bed very easily :) 

While the two of you were napping, Mommy started decorating the dinning room for a surprise Valentine dinner for the two of you :)  Bodhi, you woke up first, but Mommy got you occupied watching cartoons in bed while I finished making dinner, and until your brother woke up.  Mommy called Grandmoo, GiGi, and GiGi-Pa to see if they wanted to come over to take part in your special dinner.  Grandmoo wanted too, but you two wore her out... she'll be recovering for days.  GiGi and GiGi-Pa decided to come over though :)  You two were so excited to see what "surprise" Mommy had in store for you.  Bodhi, you had that cute embarrassed look on your face, and Buddha, you are so expressive!  You were "ooohing" and "ahhhhing" at every decorating detail :)  You two had a fun dinner and some chocolate treats for dessert.   You both loved drinking fruit punch from Mommy's fancy glasses.  Afterwards, you two opened cards from Great Papaw Grills.  Buddha, as the money fell out of the cards, your eyes got real big and you said "Ooooooooh!" 

Grandpa Kurt and Great Grandma Penny came over this evening to see you both.  You two had a blast.  You were playing with your balloons and enjoying all your company.  You two had a super fun day :)  Daddy was sad he had to work and couldn't take part in your special day with you two.  He bought you both some flowers, and spoiled Mommy with gifts as usual :)  Happy Valentine's Day my sweet Valentines!!!!  Nighty night, sweet dreams!

Giving Grandmoo her paintings :)

Grandmoo always loves your paintings!

Bodhi and Buddha at Grandmoo's :)

Grandmoo said you, Jude, got into everything and ate everything! :)-

Snow Balls!

Bodhi, you got in on the action and tried a taste of snow too

Buddha taking of for the neighbors

Making a muddy mess out the neighbors landscaping

Valentine's Day dinner :)

For our little Valentines!

Cheers Sissy!

Cheers Buddha!

That's some good stuff... I'm pretty sure it has some sugar in it Buddha!

Ring Ring... More juice Momma!

Bodhi loves her Buddha, GiGi, and Gi-Pa!

Ring Ring... Yumm Momma!

Ju Ju loving his dinner!

Bodhi with GiGi showing her chocolate... you were in heaven!

You two treated GiGi and Gi-Pa with some tunes!

Piggy rides :)

Playing with Great Grandma Penny :)

Yep, Great Grandma Penny got inside the tent with you two... and the oversized balloon!

"Whoa, balloons, bubbles, dinner, candy... what more could we ask for?"

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.