First, thank you Aunt Ti for NOT submitting your resignation, ha/ha!
This morning Mommy got you two up and dressed. Mommy went downstairs to make you both a good hearty breakfast, sausage patties, eggs, and toast! Yummmo, your guy's favorite. You two ate four eggs, two pieces of toast and five sausage patties. Luckily Mommy had put a plate back for Daddy, otherwise I don't think Daddy would have got any breakfast! After eating and awaiting Daddy to return home from work, you two helped Mommy pack your bags for Aunt Ti's. Mommy did your hair, Bodhi, and Jude, you insisted that your sister and Momma do your hair as well :) You two brushed your teeth, and once Daddy arrived home, you both gave him lovin's and we were off to Aunt Ti's. Sean Franky has Daddy's car, so Mommy and Daddy had to share a car.
You two were jammin' in the car to Dave! Bodhi, you love this one particular song with horns... you sing to the tune of the horns and then head bang with the drum beat... you are so stinkin' precious! Jude, you got to clapping your hands and bobbing your head to beat too. Mommy cheered you both and you two were extremely happy. Bodhi, you had a bit of a cough, so Mommy gave you some medicine in an attempt to prevent any out of control "cold" pain for Aunt Ti. Andrew's been sick with a cough, so as much as you like to attach yourself to little Andrew, hopefully you didn't catch anything :)
Anyway, Mommy worked all day on papers, Daddy on work and proofreading my work. Mommy took periodic breaks and spray painted little items here and there in our basement. Mommy is now sitting on our stairs with the front door open, Daddy informed Mommy that the whole house smells horribly like paint fumes :( Mommy is immune and didn't notice. Now I"m frantically trying to air out the house. So, Aunt Ti calls Mommy and tells me that I better be the one to pick you two up because she has some major stories to tell about. OH BOY, Mommy was scared! Aunt Ti reported that you both were very good, but come nap time, Jude man you really did a number on Aunt Ti! AND better Aunt Ti then your Momma, or you wouldn't have a crib to sleep in. Aunt Ti said you she put you down for a nap, and about a half hour later you start yelling "Daddy." Aunt Ti went to check on you only to discover that you had taken off all your clothes, pulled off your diaper, and smeared poop all over the play yard you were "supposedly" sleeping in, and had it all under your nails and toe nails!!! Aunt Ti said she was gagging, and she had to throw you in the bath! After your bath you took a short nap on Aunt Ti's loveseat. Buddha, you also spent the majority of the day drooling on Aunt Ti's furniture and floor :).... Aunt Ti also explained that you were standing on the recliner, Aunt Ti told you to sit down, and you did. Backwards, right over the side of the chair, and bumped your head on the table.
Aunt Ti said despite the crazy morning and early afternoon, you both had a blast this evening, especially you, Bodhi. Jeanie and Trevor, Aunt Tina's little ones, came by to visit. Ellie and Jeanie decided all of you girls were going to play dress-up. Bodhi, you were so cute, well just look at the pictures of you below... you had a BLAST.
After Mommy picked you up and brought you two home, Bodhi, you helped Mommy hang a shelf in the hallway. Mommy figured we might as well be productive since it wasn't your bedtime yet. Jude, you got into everything! You were cute trying to use the hammer though. Bodhi, you are an electric screw driver pro... however, our project this evening was too high and you couldn't use the screw driver, but you handed Mommy screws and cleaned the woodwork. We got it up in a record half hour! Jude, you would not go to sleep tonight. Mommy would rock you to sleep, and then you would wake up and scream for Momma. Mommy did this three times, leaving you to cry for three minutes each time. You would not stop crying for your Momma. Mommy then decided to take you in Mommy's and Daddy's bedroom and lay with you until you fell asleep. Mommy got you to sleep after about 45 minutes. This time you didn't wake up :) So the message to Mommy was... "Momma, I haven't seen you all day, I'm not going to sleep until I get at least 45 minutes of cuddle time with you." Then it was back to work for Momma.
Sweet dreams my sweet babes. Hell weekend #2 is just about over. Mommy and Daddy miss you so much!
I know Aunt Ti going to be mad at Mommy for including this picture, she hates getting her picture taken... but you two adore her and I know when your older you will appreciate having a picture of Aunt Ti playing with you :) |
All that poo smearing wore you out Buddha! Wow, Mommy would have probably lost her mind had you did that at home! |
Ellie, Bodhi, Lizzie, and Jeanie :) |
The four Princesses! |
Aunt Ti said Ellie and Jeanie came up with this all on their own, she had no idea what you girls were up to until you came out and put on a show :) |
Happy Girls, Bodhi and Lizzie :) |
Look at those moves! |
"Dancing Nancies" |
Trevor dancing with the girls... Buddha looking like he feels left out :( |
"Look at these shoes Buddha!" Jude man, you always walk around the house in your sister's play high heel shoes at home ha/ha |
"Yep, I'm a princess!" |
Buddha doing what he does best... running around like a wild man! |
And climbing where he's not supposed to be climbing :)- |
Bodhi chillin' in HER chair :0 |
Buddha trying to swipe Bodhi's blanket |
Tired boy! |