Ahhhh today was a sleepy day at the Grills-Holsapple household! Not much action inside, just rain outside. The morning flew by with not much to tell. We played and ate our two meals before nap time. Mommy fell asleep with you, Jude. I had every intention of being productive during your naps, however, staying up being productive the night before, and every other night this week, finally caught up with me. It happens :) Jude, you slept a little longer than usual with your Momma :) Bodhi, Mommy had to wake you, which is never good! You are like Momma, you get up when you're ready. One day, if you decide to have kids, you too will have to learn to overcome this. Heck what's Momma saying, you'll have to overcome it when you start school. Ok, three years from now, but still! Time is flying by so you'll be starting school before Momma knows it :(
This afternoon, Momma had Zumba/Turbo kick boxing class :) I love it, and after being cooped up in the house, for what feels like forever because of the rain, it was so nice to get all sweaty. Bodhi, you went to GiGi's and Jude, you stayed home with Grandmoo and the boys. Jude, Grandmoo dressed you up in your sister's clothes and pulled you in the wagon. Of course, you, Bodhi, did not want to leave GiGi and Gi-Pa Poncho when I arrived to pick you up. It's always such a battle. Jude, you wanted Mommy to nurse you as soon I arrived home, but tonight Mommy decided to take a shower first :) You both are fast asleep and Mommy is cooking dinner. Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to take a walk or go to the park. Highland is completely under water though. So, we'll have to check out Foster.
PS Mommy didn't get very many pictures today :( It was just kind of a lazy laid back kind of day :)
Mommy telling you bye bye :(
Grandmoo took good care of you lil' Buddha... she made sure she made up for not nursing you ha/ha! :)
Grandmoo even dressed you up in your sister's clothes and took you for a wagon ride :)
"Wagon Buddha" ;)
"So, where we going Grandmoo?"
"How many people are going to see me in my sister's clothes?" ;)
"Come on Gradnmoo!"
"No pictures, let's get to GiGi's and Gi-Pa Poncho's!"
"I give up, I'm taking my hat off if we aren't leaving soon!"
Flower in hand for GiGi ;)
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