Last night Mommy had called Grandmoo to see if she wanted to spend time with the two of you Sunday morning... Mommy and Daddy had our minds set we were going to get some serious work done! She of course was super excited to have just the two of you, and not have to worry about Mr. Murff and Mr. Arlo. It was to be a strictly Bodhi and Buddha day at Grandmoo's.
Well, Mommy and Daddy got you both packed in the car and took you to "Moo's!" You two were super excited and you, Jude, said "Moo" for the first time this morning :) Once Mommy and Daddy got back home it was raining, so Mommy decided I was going to get that fence post (that may or may not be in the way) out of the ground just to be on the safe side. Daddy wasn't happy about Mommy deciding to dig it up for whatever reason. I think he thought I couldn't do it and he'd end up outside in the rain too! HA! He should know by now, Mommy gets things done, that's how Grills women roll :)- After digging in the mud and yes, removing the post, Mommy decided there was much more yard work to be done. Our pine tree out front had fallen during the last snow, and well, most of it had fallen :0 Mommy pulled each and every single limb from the front yard around back to the alley. Afterwards, Mommy noticed all the leaves in our yard and in our flower beds, so those were then raked to the road (btw, Mommy doesn't recommend raking wet leaves, those suckers are heavy). Mommy broke two rakes hee/hee Then Mommy cut back three rose bushes and carried the limbs to Mommy's pine tree pile. Daddy working inside on some electrical outlets, decided he needed to make a run to the hardware store. Mommy had Daddy pick up three treated 1 by 4's so Mommy could level those into the gravel for the playhouse to sit on, just as Great Papaw Grills had recommended. Mommy was outside covered in mud from a little after 8am to 1pm, when you two arrived back home from Moo's. Daddy got you both down for naps. Our electricity had went out for like the fourth day in a row, so there was no cartoons before napping today. We don't know what is up with our daily loss of electricity? Bodhi, Mommy asked you if you had fun at Moo's and you said "YES!" Buddha, you were ready for nap time big time, as usual!
Mommy managed to get a shower in, despite not having electricity... the water stayed hot the entire time :) Daddy ran and got us lunch and then we both moved on to new projects. Mommy is so happy that I managed to get all of our floors swept and vacuumed. Daddy made great progress on his office and picked up some odd stuff laying around the house. We tag teamed he laundry and took turns playing with you both :) Mommy made baked chicken and cream corn for dinner, neither of you ate much :( and then Mommy threw you both in the bath. Buddha, by this time it was nighty night time for you, and Bodhi, you are currently snuggled up on the couch with Daddy watching some cartoons before you head off to dreamland! Mommy has to go to work for an hour, drop off recyclables, and enter some work data, and then Momma will be calling it a night too. Daddy has some papers to grade, tests to make, and then he'll be calling it a night as well :) Though we didn't get to spend all of our Sunday together relaxing, we made the most of the time we were together (this afternoon and evening). You two will be going to Aunt Ti's tomorrow morning while Mommy works a part day and Daddy a full day. Sweet dreams sweet babies!
"GiGi, Grandmoo, that's where we use to live!" |
"There will be no Moorazzi today, Mommarazzi is not here!" |
"Bubba, we've gotta wipe our feet, Grandmoo keeps a tidy house!"
You two had an extra special day with GiGi and Grandmoo :) |
"GiGi, Moo, look at us!" |
"We're silly babes!" |
Lunch time :)- |
Grandmoo had you two sitting on big people stools... I certain you LOVED it too! |
"Look GiGi, it's me, Bubba, Daddy, Mr. Murff, Mr. Arlo... we've all been in the newspaper!" |
Always snacking! |
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