Well, our fun-filled adventure required Mommy to schedule her usual Thursday work for Friday, and you two couldn't be happier to spend the day recovering with GiGi and Gi-Pa. GiGi told Mommy to dress you both in "play clothes" (all of your guy's clothes are play clothes :) and old shoes. You two spent the day outside. You both collected pine cones and picked up the yard. When 6:30 p.m. rolled around, you both were whining and fussing from pure exhaustion. Bodhi, you nodded off during dinner, poor baby. Daddy arrived to pick you up at 7:30 p.m. and reports that the minute you two hit your car seats, it was lights out! Daddy carried you both to bed one by one, where you two slept the night away. Mommy arrived home from work at 8:00 p.m. expecting to take you two with me to walk Jasper, Aunt Dianna's dog, we've been carrying for Jasper all week long, but Daddy said you both were passed out! :( Mommy walked down to get Jasper all by her lonesome and then brought him back to spend the night with us (our nightly routine for the past week:) Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes! Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite!
Team work! What's gonna work? Team work! |
Tired brother and sister! |
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