Thursday, April 25, 2013

Happy Rested Babes

Good morning babies!  Daddy reports that you, Ms. Bodhi walked downstairs your black furry vest on HAHAHA!  You are so funny!  Daddy shoo’d you upstairs to “put some undies on that booty,” I’m sure J  Jude man, last night you went to bed so early, you crawled in bed with Mommy at midnight instead of 1am.  You opened your door and said, “Mommy?”  I said, “come on turd ball.”  You laughed and ran into Mommy’s room with three of your stuffed doggies.  Daddy was downstairs working on the computer for school (so he’s been sleeping on his couch in his office since our bed is so crowded and he wakes up at weird times to get things done).  As you were crawling into bed Jude, you said, “one doggy, two doggy, three doggy, thank you Momma.”  You then wrapped your arms around my neck and were face to face with me.  You said, “ahhhh, Momma you are so nice, gorgeous, nice.”  You were so happy that Mommy didn’t tell you to go back to bed, as I always do if you try to come sleep with us before 1am.  That’s our rule, you have to start out in your own bed.  Your internal clock is rarely off, you are usually in our bed at 1am.  

Mommy got up, opened all the blinds, made all the beds, turned off all the night lights, let the doggies out to potty, and poured you both a bowl of cereal.  Daddy had the coffee going, of course J  Mommy can’t get out of bed without coffee!  You both wanted to play with play-doh after breakfast.  Mommy agreed and took the opportunity to brush Ms. Allie outside and get my morning vacuuming done.  I usually vacuum during the mornings that I work, and during the evenings that I do not work.  The dog hair drives Mommy insane and it’s an everyday battle!  Mommy got a ton of hair off of Ms. Allie this morning, so hopefully a few more days of heavy brushing and her fur will settle down. 

Bodhi, by 11am, you wanted to take a nap.  Mommy managed to get you both dressed and fed lunch before you crashed.  GiGi had suggested that Mommy put you both down for a nap prior to leaving for work, and she would come over and sit while you two were napping.  She’d then take you two her house after you guys awakened.  Mommy called the house at 3:15 pm because I had forgotten my driving instructions, GiGi reported that you, Buddha, were awake and following her around, but you, Ms. Bodhi were still asleep.  That’s usually how it goes J 

Once you two awakened, GiGi took you to her house for the evening.  Mommy managed to get back into town at around 8:30 p.m., so Mommy sent Daddy a text message stating that I would pick you two up.  You both were happy to see Mommy and reportedly had a great time (of course).  GiGi sent some additional fruit home for you both.  GiGi reported that you two were angels and that the nap made a world of difference.  Once home, Daddy had just arrived home from work too.  Daddy and Mommy tucked you both into bed and gave you lots of lovin’s J

Seriously?  Bodhi, you found one of your old paci's, and asked to have it.  Of course GiGi gave it to you ha/ha  That's just what I need, to have to break you of the paci AGAIN!

Mmmmm mmmm mmmmm!  GiGi's yummy home cooking.  As usual, you two amazed GiGi and Gi-Pa with everything you two ate!

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.