Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Finally, An Offer On Our Old House!

Mommy woke up excited to get cleaning and working on our house for Mommy's Graduation and Fall Open House celebration, but that quickly fizzled ha/ha  You two ran around, stripping your clothes off, yelling, screaming, giggling, up until nap time.  You both struggled to go down for a nap.  Once Mommy got you two down, I decided to go down too :)-   Well, I then remembered I had a report I needed to complete, so much for a nap or cleaning.  Mommy also had to get some of our counter offer information all taken care of...we got an offer on our old house YAY!  It's contract deal, but it'll at least give us the means to start paying on Mommy's school loans that will be coming due in December :( Fingers crossed they accept!  

After naps, Mommy made you two dinner, mashed potatoes, salisbury steaks, and green beans.  When I served you, Bodhi, your plate, you looked at Mommy, held up your fork and said, "really Momma?"  To which I laughed and asked, "what?"  You again said, "Really Momma,"  "a fork?"  "I need a spoon to eat mashed potatoes, you silly Momma."  I was cracking up.  You have the "really" down to a science!  Buddha, you were too into your steak with gravy and green beans to pay Bodhi any attention :)  

After dinner, we were upstairs playing and Mommy was getting some more work done when the door bell rang. You two get so excited, "who is it, is it GiGi, is it Grandmoo....who is it Momma?"  As if I know who it is without going downstairs ha/ha.  Well, it was Grandpa!  You two were super excited, as was Mommy.  You two played ON the dining room table with play-doh and Grandpa played right a long with you.  Mommy took the opportunity to give Mr. Arlo a much needed bath, and then returned downstairs to visit.  

After a couple of hours, Grandpa left and Daddy arrived home.  Mommy and Daddy then got you two down for the night :)  Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes!

Playing play-doh with Grandpa Kurt :)

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.