Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween!  You two were excited from the time you awakened through the afternoon, and up until it was time to actually go trick-or-treating :)  We submitted our counter offer and are holding our breath it goes we could all possibly end our day with a treat :)  

GiGi stopped by to see you two, and Mommy was able to get some additional documents for our counter offer submitted.  You two were happy to see GiGi and were non-stop talking about going trick-or-treating.  When GiGi left, Mommy did minimal work (Mommy is going to have a ton of last minute things to do before our party, ugggh) and then laid down for a nap while you took your naps.  Mommy was awakened at 5pm and immediately started freaking out!  You two were still asleep and it was almost time to start Halloweening!  Mommy got you both up and dressed in your costumes, Bodhi, you of course didn't want to put any clothes under your costume and had a major meltdown, but Buddha, you were good to go.  Mommy and Daddy are thinking about having you tested Bodhi ha/ha  You are so incredibly smart, but you have some major meltdowns when it comes to textures, sounds, and light!  

Anyway, Daddy arrived home and we started our adventure.  We first headed to Grandmoo's where she had her jack o'lanterns all lit up and treats and gifts awaiting you both.  You two were so excited, you both knocked at her door and said "trick or treat."  You two, a cat woman and a doggy, were so adorable.  However, you both thought that when you got your candy, you needed to immediately eat it, and this was a fight all night long ha/ha 

We then went to GiGi's and Gi-Pa's where they were on the front porch passing out candy, anxiously awaiting a little cat and dog :)  They then took you to a few of their neighbors houses to get some additional treats :)  

From GiGi's and Gi-Pa's we headed to one of the fire department stations.  You two were given a bag of treats with a coloring book, and Mommy got to enjoy some eye candy hee/hee  

We then headed to Grandpa Kurt's where you two visited and stole most of Great Grandma Penny's candy :)  but she encouraged you both too.  

Our last stop for the night was at Aunt Vivian and Uncle Rudy's (Vivian and Lynn Rudolph's)  where we had the treat of seeing Riley (one of their grandchildren, who is growing up way too fast) and her mother.  You two played with all their toys, chased their critters, and ran around eating candy while Mommy and Daddy visited :)  Well, Mommy and Aunt Vivian had to chase you two around making sure you two didn't get too out of hand.  Daddy and Uncle Rudy got to sit and chat hee/hee We had tried to go by Mr. and Mrs. Huffman's, but they were hiding out without their porch light on, so Mommy told Daddy we weren't going to bother them :)

After our visit, we decided to take you two to McDonalds for dinner.  It was late and you two had only eaten candy.  McDonalds was the absolute worst idea ever!  Mommy went inside thinking it would be faster, hu, it was a mad house!  Everyone in Kokomo decided to have McDonalds for dinner :0  YUCKO ha/ha However, we survived it and you two were happy little cranked up children eating your fatty meals with all your candy :)  Bedtime was sure to be interesting!  

Bodhi, though you were cranked up, you had a sudden sugar drop and decided to go to your bed and pass out.  Buddha, you had Daddy rock you (I'm not liking this Daddy rocking you business) but then you asked that Mommy rock you.  Mommy told you I knew your game Mister, you weren't going to start this every night... Daddy rock you for an hour and then Mommy rock you for an hour.  You've been wanting to sleep in "Mommy's bed" every night here lately. You are such a sucker.  You've been waking up at about 2am-3am, and when Mommy goes in to check on you, you have your blanket in your hand, pillow in your other hand, and you say, "Mommy's bed!"  

Happy Halloween you little kitty cat and doggy dog.  Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back!

PS Mommy and Daddy did get a treat... they accepted our counter and we're closing next week :)

"woof woof!"


Bodhi's 4th Halloween and Buddha's 3rd :)

Kitty was a little pissed off ha/ha


Buddha you were most interested in Grandmoo's jack o'lanterns ha/ha


GiGi's and Gi-Pa's!!!!

"MOM, don't look right away, there's a big gorilla coming this way!!!"

Great Grandma Penny!!!


Riley! :)

You two are such weirdos Ha/ha

Aunt Vivian!!! :)

Uncle Rudy!!!! :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Finally, An Offer On Our Old House!

Mommy woke up excited to get cleaning and working on our house for Mommy's Graduation and Fall Open House celebration, but that quickly fizzled ha/ha  You two ran around, stripping your clothes off, yelling, screaming, giggling, up until nap time.  You both struggled to go down for a nap.  Once Mommy got you two down, I decided to go down too :)-   Well, I then remembered I had a report I needed to complete, so much for a nap or cleaning.  Mommy also had to get some of our counter offer information all taken care of...we got an offer on our old house YAY!  It's contract deal, but it'll at least give us the means to start paying on Mommy's school loans that will be coming due in December :( Fingers crossed they accept!  

After naps, Mommy made you two dinner, mashed potatoes, salisbury steaks, and green beans.  When I served you, Bodhi, your plate, you looked at Mommy, held up your fork and said, "really Momma?"  To which I laughed and asked, "what?"  You again said, "Really Momma,"  "a fork?"  "I need a spoon to eat mashed potatoes, you silly Momma."  I was cracking up.  You have the "really" down to a science!  Buddha, you were too into your steak with gravy and green beans to pay Bodhi any attention :)  

After dinner, we were upstairs playing and Mommy was getting some more work done when the door bell rang. You two get so excited, "who is it, is it GiGi, is it Grandmoo....who is it Momma?"  As if I know who it is without going downstairs ha/ha.  Well, it was Grandpa!  You two were super excited, as was Mommy.  You two played ON the dining room table with play-doh and Grandpa played right a long with you.  Mommy took the opportunity to give Mr. Arlo a much needed bath, and then returned downstairs to visit.  

After a couple of hours, Grandpa left and Daddy arrived home.  Mommy and Daddy then got you two down for the night :)  Sweet dreams my sweet sweet babes!

Playing play-doh with Grandpa Kurt :)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Aunt Tai Day- Ha/ha Mommy is leaving Daddy’s Aunt “Tai” mistake J

Today was a scheduled busy, busy, busy day for both Mommy and Daddy, and around 10 a.m. Daddy got the two of you dressed and transported you to Greentown to spend an entire day well into the evening with Aunt Tai. If there is a single person who loves the two of you like family it is Mommy’s best friend Aunt Tai! And both of you love her and always enjoy spending time with Aunt Tai and her family, though sometimes either of you, or sometimes both, resist Daddy leaving, yet by the time I come back to pick you up everything is fine. Today was such a day for you, Bodhi, you cried and didn’t want Daddy to leave, but Daddy comforted you for a while and Aunt Tai assured you you could lay down in bed if you wanted, and then you settled in for Daddy to leave. You were excited to be at Aunt Tai’s, Jude LiamJ. Shortly after Daddy had left, Aunt Tai texted me a message that everything was ok, and that both of you were having fun!

Mommy and Daddy both had to get off to our respective work responsibilities, though each of us was preoccupied with hopes we might hear some news regarding the sale of our Leeds Street house. A couple of folks had viewed the house over the weekend and Mommy’s friend Lindsay, our realtor, expressed some probable interest in it had been indicated. We continued with our long day of work, and never heard any additional reports on the house, but we have agreed to remain positive, and hopeful.

Both Mommy and Daddy were consumed with work until evening, and finally at 7:30 p.m. Daddy finished work and headed over to Aunt Tai’s to get the two of you and bring you home for cuddle time with Mommy and Daddy. You were both happy and busy playing, and Aunt Tai reported you both had a great day. Daddy loaded you each into our Mustang and immediately provided each of you with a sucker treat Daddy promised and you both smiled from ear to earJ!

We hurried home and got our pajamas on and snuggled on the couch with a blanket for about an hour before it was “night, night” time. Bodhi, you went off to bed without a fuss, and you were clearly a worn out little girl. Buddha, you insisted that Daddy rock you to sleep which made Daddy smile from ear to ear, and you little precious angel fell to sleep watching Monday night football with Daddy, telling me before you drifted off that you wanted to play footballJ (which your Mommy will protestJ). Mommy came in to assist laying you down in your crib and to be certain to get in on some hugs and kissesJ.

Daddy headed off to bed, as he too was simply worn out from a long day, though Mommy bless her heart stayed up late once again in a hurried effort to complete her craft room before our open house this weekend. Count our blessings, two of them are named Emilia and Jude, and enjoy a wonderful night’s sleep, Viking Prince and Gypsy Princess!

Princess Bodhi :)

Princess Lizzie :)

Little Princesses :)

Prince Buddha! :)


"Hi Aunt Ti" :)

You are silly Aunt Ti :)

You two love your Aunt Ti!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

An Apple Orchard Tradition

Today we ventured to McClure’s apple orchard as an annual family tradition. Both of you, Ms. Bodhi and Mister Buddha, insisted on riding with GiGi and GiPa and Grandma, and poor Grandma had to squeeze in between two baby seats in the back seat of the car---but all were more than agreeable to the arrangement because the two of you are adored by all! Mommy and Daddy drove Mommy’s car and led our two car caravan north on U.S. 31 some miles north of Peru.

Upon our arrival, we browsed around the gift store appendage of the restaurant, and there was much to see and intrigue the interest of busy little hands insisting on touching huge stuffed animals and whimsical gifts. The appeal of most of the merchandise was mostly to Mommy, Grandma, and GiGi, though GiPa and Daddy took an interest in the winery products and tasting bar---though neither of us sampled any of the productsJ.

After examining everything in close detail in the gift shop, we were seated in the restaurant to enjoy a tasty, though notably expensive lunch. GiGi and GiPa insisted it was their treat as we treated everyone last year with Grandma’s share of the contribution as well. Mommy and Daddy split a plate of chicken and noodles and mashed potatoes and green beans with each of you, and Daddy additionally enjoyed a cup of homemade vegetable soup (which you shared, Buddha). For dessert Daddy and Mommy each had apple crisp, Mommy with vanilla ice cream, Daddy with cinnamon ice cream---yum!!! The food is truly delicious, if modestly portioned and expensively pricedJ. Thank you GiGi and GiPa!!!

After lunch we walked the hill up to the corral where you, Ms. Bodhi, were nothing short of a superstar on horseback! You climbed aboard without reservation and as you made your way around for your first lap the horse rather abruptly, and quite physically, shimmied and almost tossed you off the saddle. You remarkably kind man immediately, and attentively, came to your rescue and repositioned you and without much ado whatsoever you resumed your way along the “trail.” Indeed, on a subsequent lap the nice gentleman, who was so demonstrably apologetic for the horse’s behavior, which needless to say was beyond anyone’s control, asked if you wanted to be a trick rider and you agreeably rode the horse sitting backwards in the saddle! You are a hoot, young lady, and an accomplished horseback rider!

Jude Liam, you are no slacker either my precious son, you mounted Rocket and away you trotted, with your gorgeous blue eyes gleaming at your adoring audience, a couple of laps sufficed to demonstrate your prowess as a horseman, and as we knew would happen given the weather, you were cold such that you had enough!  You were so serious and all business sitting on top of Rocket J

We all then went in to the “barn” and fed goats, and donkeys, and played with rabbits, and thoroughly enjoyed being on the farm! Then we hopped the tractor pulled wagon for a cold (brrrrrrrr) ride around the orchard, and where you and your sister selected another pumpkin from the pumpkin patch to adorn our beautiful home, and then finally we made our way inside the farm store where we marveled at all the Christmas trees and season adornments. What a visually stimulating paradise for the two of you!!!
We enjoyed our family tradition and can’t wait for another visit next year!!!

The Riding Pro... you love your animals, just like your Momma!

Last year you were screaming, this year you couldn't wait to ride :)

So serious!

Indiana lost all of their apples this year from the early frost, all apples had to be shipped in :(  We also learned that the honey bees are dying off :(

Jude, you asked the orchard owner if he'd give you another apple ha/ha!

The "Holsapple Apples" :)

About Me

My photo
We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.