Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Day of Seperate Visits With Family

Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, 5am, really?  Daddy went and laid down with you in your big girl bed to get you back to sleep.  You even stayed up late last night, I just don't get it.  Juders, honey, Mommy knew not to brag about getting you to sleep... when you woke at your usual time of 12:30 a.m., you would not stay asleep after being nursed.  You kept waking up when Mommy laid you in your crib.  Of course, Mommy can't let you cry too long, you'll wake your sister.  So, you ended up sleeping with Mommy and Daddy.  You are so happy when you are nestled between your Momma and Daddy.

This afternoon, Mommy and Daddy were busy cleaning out your guy's room, putting the new window air conditioner in your window, and re-organizing your shelves.  Daddy was in charge of putting the air conditioner in.  He sarcastically told Mommy to keep you out of the window while it was open and the screen out, Mommy sarcastically answered him with the standard "really?"  Welp, Mommy was dusting the shelves and when I turned around, there you were Bodhi, feet hanging out the window, sitting on your bed, about 5 seconds from making your escape onto our sloped roof.  Mommy ran, jumped, and grabbed you.  I have honestly never been so scared in my ENTIRE life.  Mommy didn't tell Daddy, Ooooooh, Mommy would have been in some major trouble!  Mommy didn't tell anyone!  Well, now everyone knows.  You knew Mommy was scared.  You had this look on your face like, "oooh she really meant stay off the bed,"  and you were definitely scared by Momma's reaction.  Good Lord, Momma would just die if anything happened to you or your brother!  If you both make it to your 5th birthday it will be a miracle, Mommy is just not built paranoid enough, however, your Daddy is so I'm sure it will work out okay hee/hee.  Sister Kelly, that's the story I was going to tell you when I said I couldn't because your Dad was sitting next to me hee/hee
This evening, Mommy went to Zumba class.  Daddy is home from work this week, but Grandmoo still wanted you, Bodhi, and GiGi wanted you Jude.  The truth be told, they both want both of you, and neither of them ever want to chose, but each of them are worried the two of you are too much for the other!  Grandmoo took you, Bodhi, to Grandma Penny's.  Grandma Penny came over to see you both today, but she came during nap time, so she didn't get to see either of you.  I'm sure she was very excited to see you, Bodhi.  Grandmoo didn't tell me much about your adventure, but she said you had a good time.  Jude, I'm sure you enjoyed being showered with love and attention.  GiGi and Gi-Pa Poncho spoil you and your sister.  GiGi can't get over how strong you are!  She says you are unbelievably strong, and you are definitely ALL boy.  GiGi laughed about you grabbing yourself when she changed your diaper.  Mommy told GiGi, you are all about your penis right now.  GiGi gave you a bath, put some fresh jammies on you and brought you home.  She said you get into everything and you are going to have twice as many injuries as your sister (which is A LOT)!  You pull yourself up on anything and everything, and you don't care how stable the object is(your too young to understand of course), but if the object falls on you, you just keep on going!

Sister Kelly, the Governor, and Sean Franky all came over this evening to see you both :) 

Bodhi Girl :)

Bodhi, you love to be outside!

Bodhi and Mr. Murff playing :)

Momma's Little Tree Hugger :)

Tree Climber :) That's my girl!


Baby Boy watching his sister

Juders sitting with his Pops ;)

The Boys :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic of Bodhi standing by the tree looking like a little angel!!! Jude has such a serious look on his face today!!


About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.