Friday, February 4, 2011

Rock'n and Roll'n

We started our day by going through all of your clothes Bodhi and Jude.  Bodhi, you really enjoy this task.   You inevitably make twice as much work for Mommy by messing up piles, taking clothes out of the closet, and spreading the hangers all over your bedroom, but we eventually got everything organized.  Jude, you get very anxious when we're cleaning out the clothes because you lay on the floor near Mommy,  having some tummy time, and your sister whizzes by you throwing clothes and dropping hangers like a mad woman. This scares you as we all know she likes to "accidentally" step on you.

After naps, we all played with toys.  Kelly came by, and of course Bodhi you suckered her into allowing you to play the Gummy Bear song on her phone.  Bodhi you rocked out to the Gummy Bears, as usual!  Jude, you were very close to rolling tonight.  I think maybe the jeans you were wearing gave you the leverage you needed, as you grabbed hold of them to roll yourself onto your side.  Jude you were also sticking your tongue out all day and spitting everywhere.  This is the first time you've done this and you did it all day long. 

You both were in excellent moods for a second day in a row.  Bodhi, for the most part you were very sweet toward your brother, that is until the end of the night... You put your foot on him as if you were going to step on him, and you also stole back (by way of ripping out of Jude's hands and interlocked fingers) your barbie he was enjoying loving on.  Bodhi, you did however feed bubs his bottle without getting mad at him.  Both you and Jude also enjoyed Mr. Murff kisses, Mr. Murff, for whatever reason, was very interested in cleaning your guys' ears. 

 Stoner Buddha ;)
(actually you just woke up from your nap)

 Wild eyed Mr. Murff giving Jude sugars

Jude rolling from side to side

 Jude working real hard to roll completely over

 Jude discovered his tongue today :)-

 Jude and Bodhi's Barbie

 Bodhi is not having it! Jude utilizing the interlocked-finger-method :)-

 Bodhi semi-stepping on her brother :(

  Technical foul for stepping on the boy!

"Ha, Bodhi got a time-out!"

 "Whatcha got there sister Kelly?"

 "YES! My evil plan worked"

 "I love the Gummy Bears sooooo much xoxoxo"

 "Here Bub, now shut it!"

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.