Up and at em’ at 6:30 a.m., really Bodhi? Can’t we sleep in on Sunday? Mommy got you dressed and settled to play in your room while I made you breakfast. When Mommy was feeding you breakfast, you sneezed a mouth full of cereal all over Mommy’s face, hair, and pants L It was quite disgusting, but you found this HILARIOUS! When Mommy didn’t find it as amusing as you, you said “ot ooooh.”
Jude, you woke up happy as usual and greeted Mommy with a great big smile! Daddy sat with you and your sister in her room while Mommy exercised. When Mommy returned to play with you two, Bodhi decided she wanted to try to take some pictures with Mommy’s camera. Mommy showed Bodhi how to work the camera, while you decided to head dive off her bed. Luckily there were pillows and blankets piled on the floor, from your crazy sister throwing everything off her bed, and it softened your fall. Jude, you ripped one when you hit the ground and did a little roll, it must have literally scared the poo out of you hee/hee You let out a precious squeal but Mommy holding you comforted you. Bodhi you were so sweet with Jude today!
We had lots of visitors today. Kelly and the Governor came over to see you both, and Bodhi, you got to spend some time at Grandmoo's by yourself this evening. Grandmoo bought you a dress outfit and you loved it! You tried to put it on Mr. Murff. You also went to Grandmoo's bathroom and pointed to the toilet. Grandmoo and Mommy took your diaper off and sat you on the pot. You sat there like a big girl, but nothing. We cheered anyway because it was a first big step to being potty trained! Grandmoo told me that when I left, you took your baby doll and pressed it against Grandmoo's chest, wanting her to feed your baby like Mommy feeds Jude :)- Grandmoo was weirded out by this ha/ha! Sean Franky, your older brother stopped by to visit you both, but Jude you were napping and Bodhi you were at Grandmoo's. Also, Uncle Sergant Bruce Rood stopped by to visit you both tonight. Bodhi, you went to bed and Jude, you got to be held and loved on by Uncle Bruce. He thought you were something :)
Jude Liam and Emilia Bodhi
Bodhi sporting her first concert t-shirt, Dave Matthews Band
Bodhi giving Jude sugar ;)
Loving Buddha and Bodhi
Bodhi trying to find something on tv for her and her little brother to watch
Haha, Owen does the sneeze-with-a-mouthful-of-food thing all the time too! But mostly on Aaron, lol.