Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Day at GiGi's and A Night at the Theatre

Bodhi and Jude, today you both spent the day, 8am-5pm, at GiGi's and Gi-Pa Poncho's.  Mommy spent the day cleaning and a little time working on your baby book Jude.  Bodhi, GiGi said you were an angel, ha!  She and Poncho allow you do do whatever your heart desires, so I'm sure you had no reason to fuss like you do with Mommy and Daddy.  Plus, I think you got all your fussing out yesterday ;)  Jude you took an extra long nap and refused your last bottle.  GiGi said you were wanting a boob, poor little guy!  However, like Bodhi, she said you were a happy litle angel.

When Daddy arrived home from work, we picked you both up and took you to your first play, "Incognito." Bodhi you refused to leave GiGi's and Poncho's, so we had to carry you out to the car.  The play was put on by Ivy Tech Community College, about 25 minutes away.  Grandmoo and GiGi thought Mommy and Daddy were crazy for taking you both to a play.  However, they said the same thing about concerts, and Bodhi you absolutely loved all four concerts we took you to this past summer!  There was another little boy, I'm guessing probably six years old, who accompanied someone I believed to be his mother to the play.  He only lasted about ten minutes before he had to be taken outside.  I was so very proud of you both.  Bodhi you lasted 50 minutes, of the 90 minute play, before Daddy had to take you outside.  You weren't being all that disruptive but the noises you were making were a warning that you were about to have a loud tantrum :)  Jude, you burped a total of four times... in a quiet auditorium where everyone could hear you, and did hear you!  I'll admit, I was a little embarrassed, but only because people actually turned and looked at me.  You just smiled back at everyone with your big blue eyes.  Jude, you and Mommy stayed a few minutes after Daddy and Bodhi left.  I thought you and I were going to get to see the whole play.  However, you started to grunt like you were going to poop and Mommy got real nervous because you are the loudest pooper, so Mommy took you out as well.  It was family time together nonetheless :)

Bodhi in a hurry to get to GiGi's and Gi-Pa Poncho's house

Jude waiting his turn to be loaded in the car to go to GiGi's and Poncho's

Bodhi after the play "Incognito"

Jude after the play ;)

Daddy and Jude
(Loved Buddha ;)

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About Me

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We were married at the courthouse on a Monday, August 23, 2004 to be exact. Daddy is highly educated and enjoys studying and learning. Mommy is also highly educated, artistic, and passionate about life. Your Mommy and Daddy are truly soulmates, and we hope that each of you have the blessing in finding your soulmate in life.